(JAWA) Knights

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 Manager: Grayfox
 Captain: Helena Revan & Dace
 Founded: 1st August 2006
 Founder: Mario
 Active?: Yes
 Previous Members:
Abalone, Aeri, Andanas, Annunaki, Aos Si, Arios, Arlu3n, ASD, Aya Solari, Bandeth, Bloop, Cale, Cebi, Chemist, Clear Insanity, Crysophylax, CuddlyJawa, Daeron Tasartir, Darman, Deadrat, Dizzy, Dopie, TheDoctor, Dragon, Duster-Man, Ecks, Eis, Elfenlied, Evok, Fente, Fransuave, Frosty, Giffy, Gravity, The Exile, HI, Hochimoto, Hy Pro Glo, IronSkull86, JabbaTheWhat, Jacobie, Kirby, Kiti, Kokuo, Kurt, Link, LoneStar, Lostris, Magnus D'Kana, Matoro, Malgus, Mario, Mooku, Murloc, Neitus, Nick00105, Niko, Omicron, Perunamaha, Phobo, The14thProphet, Protégé, Pyth, TheRaven, Ravz, Redshadow, RevliS, Rodiz, RoseTyler, Ruxith, Saito, Sami, Seneca, SephFF, SeTh, Sgt Pepper, Shadow, Sherwood, Shinigami, Sion, Skeetshooter Skullzies, Stumpy, Sif, Spookt, Spoonman, Sprout, St@rTy, System, Vultax, Xanatos, Xel, Xepher, Xibios, Yami, Yorg, Zantos, Zixxth, Zoe Carter, & Zu.
 Related Pages:
Clan Matches

Current Members
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The (JAWA) Knights are a team of (JAWA) Members that have shown versatility, experience, and a degree of skill in Jedi Academy. Members of the (JAWA) Knights are expected to participate in and hold clan matches on a regular basis. They also may challenge clans to matches or accept challenges made by other clans on the spot. This is done by the (JAWA) Knights Manager, (Cloud9).

On April 2014 the (JAWA) Knights has evolved even more with the knights required to participate in events such as TFFA, CTF and Siege, there is now TFFA squads for the knights to do all sorts of training. On the 8th September 2014, The (JAWA) Knights were officially disbanded by the (JAWA) Leadership. The club had run its course, and instead the leaders decided to appoint a Council Member to be responsible for organizing and generating interest in clan matches.

On the 19th February 2016, The (JAWA) Knights were reformed.

Training Information

Session Times

Monday: 7:00 pm UK - 2:00pm EST

Thursday: 10:00pm UK - 5:00pm EST

Saturday: 11:00pm UK - 6:00pm EST

Practices are closed, and may be attended only by (JAWA) Knights members, Council Members, and those who have been invited to attend by the existing manager or captain as prospective members or for training purposes. The event server is password-protected during practices.

Events server IP:


The original (JAWA) Knights in 2006 was managed by Mario and was more of a training school for clan matches. Usually only those who were in JK would be able to participate in the matches, although this was never heavily enforced, but would sometimes be encouraged for team work purposes. In early 2007 the system was scrapped due to a decline in the amount of matches and overall organization of the group. The ranks in the original system were Grunt (New to clan matches and required training), Fighter (Someone experienced in clan matches) and Warrior (Held by the managers of (JAWA) Knights). 5 years later, SiLink decided to bring back (JAWA) Knights however this would be a new system simply under the old familiar name. The new system would allow for any one to participate and had "organizers" who would set up clan matches for any (JAWA) to be able to attend and participate in.

On 15/03/13 Zu passed on the manager role of the (JAWA) Knights to Ruxith; one of the two new Council Members.

On 30/06/13 Ruxith stepped down from the council and the role has been given to Duster-Man; one of the two new council members.

On 25/07/13 Jazzy was rewarded with the role of captain of the (JAWA) Knights.

On 30/09/13 Dace was appointed captain of the (JAWA) Knights after Jazzy stepped down.

On 20/04/14 Jazzy and Duster-Man were appointed managers of the (JAWA) Knights.

On 08/09/14 Nightwing disbanded the (JAWA) Knights and appointed Helena Revan to organize regular TFFA practices.

On 19/02/16 Nightwing revived the (JAWA) Knights with Dace as the manager.

On 14/11/16 Jacobie was appointed manager of the (JAWA) Knights.

On 09/10/17 Hy Pro Glo was appointed the role of manager alongside Jacobie.

On 10/01/18 Jacobie stepped down from the role of manager of the Knights.

On 15/01/18 Shinigami was appointed as captain of the (JAWA) Knights by Hy Pro Glo.

On 11/06/18 St@rTy was appointed as co-captain alongside Shinigami by Hy Pro Glo.

On 02/10/18 due to not having enough time for it, StarTy decided to step down as co-captain.

After over a year on the role, Shinigami decided it was time to step down from captain of the Knights on 01/02/19. Thank you for all the great work and dedication.

On 02/02/19 Cloud9 and Redshadow were promoted to co-captains of the (JAWA) Knights by Hy Pro Glo.

On 18/02/19 Hy Pro Glo went into retirement and stepped down as manager of the club. The captains will be in charge with the direction of the club going forward with the council's support.

On 16/11/19 Cloud9 became the new manager for the Knights.

On 10/12/19 LoneStar was added to Assist Cloud9 in Knights.

On 16/01/20 Natsumi was promoted to captain of the Knights.

On 08/02/20 Natsumi left the clan and stepped down from captain of the Knights.

On 17/03/20 Magnus D'Kana & Jazzy were promoted to captains of the Knights.

On 04/05/20 Magnus D'Kana decided to leave the clan and step down as a Captain of the Knights.

On 15/05/21 Jazzy was promoted to Co-manager with Cloud9.

On 24/06/21 Helena Revan and Fransuave were promoted to Captain by Jazzy and Cloud9.

On 24/07/22 Sami was promoted to Co-Manager as Jazzy steps down

On 24/07/22 Picco and Water were promoted to Captain by Sami and Cloud9.

On 26/07/22 Dace was promoted to Captain by Sami and Cloud9.

On 13/09/23 Sami went into retirement, leaving Cloud9 as the sole Manager.

On 25/05/24 Cloud9 stepped down from Management.

On 26/05/24 Grayfox was promoted to Manager.