The (JAWA) Honours 2022

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 List of (JAWA) Honours

Recruit of the Year - Picco

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This year's Recruit of the Year is Picco, who since joining the clan in January 2022 has impressed the membership with his activity and friendliness. In the year he's been with (JAWA), he's become a Knights Captain and is already a Lord. We're sure Picco will go on to do many other wonderful things.

Clan Member of the Year - Picco

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His second award of the night, Picco was named Clan Member of the Year, in recognition of all the wonderful work he does within Knights as well as his amazing activity and friendliness towards his fellow members. Like with Recruit of the Year, he's impressed us all and we are very happy to have him as a member of (JAWA).

Council Member of the Year - Helena Revan

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Helena Revan took home Council Member of the Year this year. This is Helena's fifth time winning this award. She consistantly goes above and beyond in order to keep the (JAWA) Council running smoothly and has done for over 11 years since she first got onto Council. I think we can all agree that Helena fully deserves this award.

Admin of the Year - Misery

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This year, Misery was named Admin of the Year for her efforts to keep the server a calm and friendly place. Having only joined this past year, we already know Misery is going to continue to go above and beyond for the members and our guests.

Club of the Year - Knights


One of the new awards added this year, it's no supprise that Club of the Year for 2022 is the (JAWA) Knights. By far our biggest and most popular club, the Knights team show us time and time again what good teamwork and giving it your all can really do.

Club Member of the Year - Fransuave

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For the fourth consecutive time, Club Member of the Year went to a member of the (JAWA) Knights, in this case it was Fransuave for the second year running. As a former Captain for the club, he has once again led by example by lending his expertise to Knights training exercises and participating in various competitions and tournaments. A true professional, Fransuave always gives his best effort, and is always willing to help other in need.

Comedian of the Clan - Wolfy

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His first Honour in 8 years, our resident baguette, Wolfy has taken home one half of the Comedian of the Clan award this year. One of our longest serving member, Wolfy has continued to make the clan laugh throughout 12 years he's been in (JAWA), whether he's in Discord, on the server or on The (JAWA) Podcast, he never fails to show everybody his amazing sense of humour. Just don't look directly at him or the light from his face may blind you.

Comedian of the Clan - Cronus

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The second half of the Comedian of the Clan Honour goes to the one and only, Bonus Cronus. This is his first ever Honour win. Another longstanding member, Cronus has been with (JAWA) for 7 years and throughout his time here, has always been around to make his fellow members laugh, another great sense of humour which is often shown around Discord and the server.

Most Skilled Clan Member - Water

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Water claimed the Most Skilled Clan Member award this year and it was no surprise! Easily one of our most talented duellers, Water has recently joined the (JAWA) Knights as a Captain to lend his knowledge and expertise to his fellow members.

Most Compassionate Clan Member - Cronus

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His second award of the night, Cronus takes home Most Compassionate Clan Member. Throughout his time with us as a clan, Cronus has continued to show his kindness to all those around him. No matter what it may be, he is always there for his fellow members and always shows just what a lovely person he really is.

Contributor of the Year - Water

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Another new award this year, Contributor of the Year goes to Water who has continued to put his all into the (JAWA) Knights, giving suggestions and helping the club expand and improve.

Most Active Clan Member - Misery

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Misery claimed her second award of the night as Most Active Clan Member this year. She's consistantly on the server to help with her fellow Server Administrators and is one of our most skilled members too. You can often find her watching over and protecting or dueling in the centre of the room to practice her fighting skills.

Most Sociable Clan Member - Rodiz

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A new member to (JAWA), Rodiz claims Most Sociable Clan Member this year and that comes as no surprise. He's always around on the server, Discord and forums and is always welcoming to everybody he interacts with. Rodiz is a pleasure to have around the clan and we hope we continue to see amazing things from him.

Most Creative Clan Member - M3m0

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Our Most Creative Clan Member this year goes to M3m0 who, as part of the (JAWA) Arts club, puts his all into each piece of art he creates. He frequently enters the wallpaper contest and our Signature of the Week contests alongside his own projects IRL. He's definitely one of our most talented and frequent creative figures here in (JAWA) and we look forward to seeing what wonderful artwork M3m0 creates produces next.

Andanas Award - Wolfy

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Our new Spotlight award, named after our late friend, Andanas is one of the biggest honours to recieve and this year it goes to Wolfy, making this his second win of the year. This was given to him for his amazing activity and loyalty to the clan. Wolfy has been in (JAWA) for 12 years and never once left. He's worked his way through the ranks and was a Council Member as well as being one of the faces of the Post and apart of the Podcast crew. He's worked tirelessly throughout the past decade and is one of our most notable and recognisable members. Thank you for your loyalty to (JAWA), Wolfy!