The (JAWA) Honours 2023

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 List of (JAWA) Honours

Recruit of the Year - T'

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This year's Recruit of the Year is T', who since joining the clan in April 2023, has been one of the most active members in the clan this year, so much so that he recieved a Participation Award in October 2023 for it! He is also an Admin and part of the Knights club too. T' is a wonderful member and person and definitely deserves this award!

Clan Member of the Year - Maverick

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Recieving his first ever honour, finally, Maverick was named Clan Member of the Year, in recognition of all the wonderful work he does within Event Planners as well as his wonderful activity and for all the help he's given while being a server admin! With his welcoming attitude towards members and guests alike, to his want to help improve the clan however he can, Maverick is an outstanding member of the clan and has shown that time and time again.

Council Member of the Year - Helena Revan

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This year Helena Revan was one of two people to get voted as the Council Member of the Year. This is now her sixth time receiving this and was last years recipient of this award. She continues to be a consistent hard worker on the (JAWA) Council. Going above and beyond and keeping things running smoothly in the council. We may sound like a broken record, but Helena has been doing this longer than anyone and shows no signs of slowing down.

Council Member of the Year - Niko

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For the second time in recent memory, the clan was saddened by the loss of one of our most active and outgoing members. Niko was nearing the end of his first year on the (JAWA) Council, and had already made a big difference due to his friendliness, enthusiasm, and hard work. Members on and off the council have expressed how much they miss his gregarious personality and sheer joy at making the clan and the server a better place. Our friend was someone who truly personified the best of (JAWA).

Admin of the Year - Maverick

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Maverick rejoined our family at the beginning of the year, and wasted no time in putting his talents to good use by joining the Admin Corps. Maverick has never been afraid to try new things, and he quickly adapted to a new job, handling trolls and lamers, and joining the Event Planners, where he used his newly-acquired admin powers to help host a variety of events for members and guests.

Club of the Year - Event Planners


In the second year of this award, the Event Planners were honoured on account of their excellent participation and exceptional activity. This year the Event Planners were fortunate to benefit from the enthusiasm of Malgus, Maverick, Mooku, Redshadow, Rodiz, and Xel, each of whom hosted or co-hosted a wide variety of events, helping to build and maintain activity on the server and in the clan.

Club Member of the Year - Maverick

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After joining the Event Planners in April, Maverick immediately set out to employ his energy and creativity in hosting and co-hosting a number of events that boosted clan and server activity over the spring and summer, and earning this award, recognizing the club member who's made the biggest contribution over the preceding year!

Comedian of the Clan - Wolfy

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Wolfy repeats this year as our clan's resident comedian. Our resident Post editor consistently applies his deadpan humour to whatever outlandish situation he finds himself in, and to many a curious conversation on Discord! His bright personality and snarky comments tickle the clan's funny bone, and once again have earned him this award!

Most Skilled Clan Member - Water

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While not as active as he once was, Water is always ready to share his knowledge and experience with others. It's a testament to his extraordinary prowess with a lightsaber that, for so many of us, his name is the first that comes to mind when the words, "most skilled clan member" appear on the Honours ballot!

Most Skilled Clan Member - Perunamaha

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Like many of our most skilled fighters, Perunamaha never boasts about his abilities, but lets his lightsaber speak for him, as on countless occasions he vaults to the top of the scoreboard in a TFFA! Feats such as this are the reason that he shares this year's award for "Most Skilled Clan Member"!

Most Compassionate Clan Member - Mooku

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There are a lot of adjectives that describe our friend and colleague, Mooku, but few fit him better than "compassionate". When you need help, advice, or just a shoulder to lean on, Mooku's always happy to reach out and give generously of himself. Many of us aspire to be helpful and considerate, but Mooku lives by those words. Mooku would never ask to be recognized for all he does, but this award underscores just how fondly we regard him.

Most Compassionate Clan Member - Pearl

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No-one who's gotten to know Pearl over the years will be surprised to see her name on this award. Her concern for friends and colleagues is evident in all that she does, and one could hardly ask for a finer example to emulate, or a better person to receive this honour.

Contributor of the Year - Maverick

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From the moment he rejoined the clan last winter, Maverick has made his presence felt, whether as a friendly and enthusiastic competitor on the server, keeping the server safe as a member of the Admin Corps, devising and hosting events with the Event Planners, or writing original content for the (JAWA) Post. For such apparently inexhaustible reserves of energy, Maverick is the winner of 2023's award for "Contributor of the Year"!

Most Active Member - T'

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By the time he joined the clan in April, T` was already so familiar to our members that it's hard to believe he's only been with us for nine months! From that time on, he's blended seamlessly into our family. T`'s hard work shows in the considerable strides he's made as a Jedi and a member of the (JAWA) Knights, while also taking on the responsibilities of a server administrator. He's become a fixture on the server, and we're glad to recognize his outstanding activity with this award!

Most Sociable Clan Member - Maverick

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This year's award for "Most Sociable Clan Member" featured a rare three-way tie, with each of the recipients recognized for their devotion their friends in the family (JAWA)! Maverick has already been noted in several of the preceding categories for his enthusiasm and activity in a number of different areas. But this award goes further, in demonstrating one of his best attributes, the ability to make connections with his fellow clanmates, making our clan not only more active, but a friendlier place to be!

Most Sociable Clan Member - Mooku

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Mooku's compassion has already been noted above, but his outgoing and non-judgmental nature have made it easy for him to win friends and influence Jawas! The server always seems to be a happier place when Mooku puts in an appearance, and so it should come as no surprise that his clanmates saw fit to honour him as one of our most sociable members!

Most Sociable Clan Member - Xel

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If you haven't gotten to know Xel by now, you've missed out on one of the most cheerful members of the clan! Out of his secret lair in le Grand Est, our elegantly-mustachioed pretzel king spreads cheer whenever he joins the server, whether to host an event, or simply duel and hang out with his friends. Like his co-winners in this category, Xel is certainly among our most sociable members!

Most Creative Clan Member - Aya Solari

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Our clan has never lacked for talented artists, but few have displayed a level of creativity to match Aya Solari! A member of (JAWA) Arts almost since the beginning of her time in the clan, Aya has always set an example by her range of creative endeavours, working on the (JAWA) Post and with the Streamers, and of course submitting numerous outstanding entries to Signature of the Week, for which she has more than thirty wins!

Andanas Award - Wolfy

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Our Spotlight award, named after our late friend, Andanas is one of the biggest honours to receive, this year we had two people win this honour and the first person is, Wolfy! This is his second consecutive year in receiving the Andanas Award. Wolfy has been one of the (JAWA)'s long standing members and has been here for over 13 years now. He has been one of our most loyal members and contributors throughout his time in the clan. Wolfy returned to the council in October of this year and has 2 prior tenures on the council. He has been a long standing member of the (JAWA) Post for over 11 years, as well, one of the voices on the (JAWA) Podcast. Wolfy remains one of (JAWA)'s most recognizable members in its history. Thank you for your loyalty to the clan once again, Wolfy!

Andanas Award - Aya Solari

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Our Spotlight award, named after our late friend, Andanas is one of the biggest honours to receive, this year we had two people win this honour and the second person is, Aya Solari! Aya is receiving this honour due to her long time loyalty to the clan. Aya is a former Council Member and has been a part of various clubs in her time here. She is considered possibly the greatest (JAWA) Arts Club manager in its history and led it during what some might call its golden age. Aya has always been one the biggest voices of sense and reason throughout her time in the clan that always had either a hint or the whole Scottish fury from her. To this day she remains as such, one of the most known and recognized members in the clan, whether it's being member or not, Aya has made a major impact on this clan that is still felt to this day. We thank you for your loyalty and contributions to (JAWA), Aya, it is extremely well deserved!