Council Members
About |
Council Members are the people who shape the clan, they discuss in depth about situations in the clan and come to conclusions that are put into practice. Council members are chosen very carefully and are picked for a few reasons such as a calm attitude, common sense, good leadership qualities, suggesting things a lot and helping in any way possible. In (JAWA)'s life time, we have had many council members. This is due to leavings and dismissals, there is a little thing known as "The Council Curse" in the clan, strange I know but it seems to always occur whenever a member is given council privileges, they usually go inactive and spend less time in the game. |
Dragon | |
My first moments in (JAWA) were around august 2006, I would've never guessed the things I'd be doing for the clan, or the clan for me for that matter. I could talk about all the in and out of JAWA stuff and all the friends I gained and lost along the way, but 18 years of memories.. yeaaahhh.. I rather keep it reader-friendly.
I joined as Jasp before changing eventually to Dragon. During my time in JAWA I've left and returned more than I'm proud of. So that's part of the reason this is my fourth time wearing this rank, and hopefully this one lasts longer than the others combined. Because of my leaving and returning, I guess I got the unique bragging rights of saying I went through all the ranks from start to Council 3 times in my JAWA carreer, this one included (third time was a bit of a mess). During the past 18 years, I've been part of many clubs such as Ambassadors, Event Planners, JAWA Post, The Comittee, Movie Crew (co-founder with Kurt), Trial Masters, Admin, Admin Trainers, Podcast and Knights. I also achieved a lot over the years, but you can just read my Wiki Profile if you're bored/interrested. Along with many nostalgia trips, I try to bring a lot of fun to the table when I'm around, but if anyone needs me for something, I'll do my best to help out. Kinda what I try to do. Responsibilities |
GrayFox | |
I joined (JAWA) in February 2024, and joined the Council in May of the same year. My expertise is in teaching & training, which is why I enjoy dedicating time to the (JAWA) Knights or helping new players get their footing. I don't have the long, eventful history with the clan that others do. I have well over a decade of time playing the game and helping build the community, but only recently found home here. I'm sure there are things I could put here about my past, but I'd rather look toward the future and what kinda things I can contribute to this clan, here and now, to be able to say I made a mark on (JAWA). I'm hoping by the time I'm ready to hang up my lightsaber, I'll have more things to put in this box and have done some things to feel proud of for the clan.
Responsibilities |
Helena Revan | |
I joined (JAWA) in 2007, and was previously a member of the (JAWA) Council from 2008 to 2019. I enjoy hosting, assisting with, and participating in events of all kinds. I've done a little bit of almost everything in the clan, but I particularly enjoy training and trials. I'm a current member of the (JAWA) Knights, and host open TFFA practice on the (JAWA) Server every Thursday. I'm proud of what a friendly community (JAWA) is, and hope to help keep it that way. I like to help out as much as possible. You can nearly always contact me on Discord; if I'm not around, I'll answer you as soon as I can.
Responsibilities |
Malgus | |
I first joined (JAWA) back in 2018! I was immediately taken aback by all the support I got throughout my trial period and when I first joined! After joining I went on to join the Ambassadors Club, which introduced me to the world of event-hosting and relations with other clans. After this, I joined the (JAWA) Knights Club and the Event Planners Club! These both helped me with my confidence and really solidified my love for event hosting! I then became a Server Admin to help with my Event hosting and defending the server. This started my journey towards taking my place in the (JAWA) Council! Which I eventually got in January 2019! I then got hit with "The Council Curse" which caused me to go into a huge stint of inactivity lasting around four years! I came back in December 2022 with a new view on life and with a lot more maturity! I had a slow start in (JAWA) again, but really hit the ground running in September 2023 after hosting a couple of events and joining some of the clubs I was previously a part of! The time came for Council Applications to open again, so I wrote my application out and sent it over, not expecting to find my place on the Council again just yet. To my surprise, I was chosen to take my place on the (JAWA) Council on the 7th of October 2023! I am honored to be serving here with some of my best friends!
Responsibilities |
SephFF | |
I joined (JAWA) in Nov 2017, I was immediately impressed with JAWA and its structure as soon as I set foot. Mainly how friendly people were and how they ran their server. Then I stumbled on their website and I was hooked. I have played JKA back when it first came out in 2003 but before that I was big on Dark forces when it came out all the way to Jedi Outcast and was even in a clan for that game. I sorta have a long history with this game so seeing it thrive to this day only makes me happy. I am a graphic designer, so I try to use what little skill I do have to bring visual joy to this clan. I was in the (JAWA) Arts club where I made sigs and the forum emotes and later went on to join the (JAWA) Knights, Server Administrator and (JAWA) Ambassadors. I am also a recipient of the The (JAWA) Honours Recruit of the year 2018. Now as a Council member my goal is to see the continued advancement in (JAWA) in anyway that I can. It’s the members of (JAWA) that keep me going and I am thankful everyday how they make the clan what it is today.
Responsibilities |
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