Event Planners

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 Manager: Malgus
 Captain: N/A
 Founded: 26th February 2011
 Founder: Valis
 Active?: Yes
 Previous Members:
Aeri, Andanas, Anoek, Arlu3n, Athena, Bandeth, Beggsy, Beren, Cassidy Chemist, Clear Insanity, Cole, Crysophylax, Dai, Darman, Doc, Dopie, Dragon, Edgar Khoul, Evok, Fox, Hy Pro Glo, Ivanova, Jacobie, Jazzy, Kirby, Legion, Lezlo, Light Revan, Loki, Maverick, Misery, Mooku, Nightwing, Niko, NorthStar, Omicron, Otter, Outlander, Robin, Rodiz, RoseTyler, Salvation, Sazen, SeTh, Shadow, Shogun, Starkiller, Stormie, Stumpy, System, TheDoctor, Valis, Valtar, Xel.
 Related Pages:
Random Events

Current Members



The (JAWA) Event Planners are a group of people who take their time to set up events for (JAWA) Members and guests who show up on the server. They host these events so that coming on the server isn’t the same old routine.



The event planners club was first made on the 19th February 2011 by Valis. With this club, we have a group of people that host events for (JAWA) and visitors. Some Council Members were willing to be the event manager. Starting with Valis, Jazzy, Bandeth, Wolfy NorthStar, and Ivanova. We thank you all for your hard work.

On the 30th June 2013 Duster-Man has started the role of one of the new event managers.

On the 25th July 2013 Ivanova has stepped down from the council and event manager.

Due to the council deciding not to have a second event manager, On 25th of August 2013 it was revealed that Lezlo has become the very first captain of the event planners club.

Due to Lezlo stepping down as captain and as an event planner, on the 6th October 2013 Redshadow has taken the role of captain of the event planners club.

On the 21st April 2014 McFish one of our new councilors has taken the role of the second event manager in the event planners club.

Following the return of Bandeth and Pearl to the council, the event management was shuffled to have Duster-Man and Bandeth at the helm on the 6th July 2014

With Bandeth Stepping down as council, returning council member Valis has taken the role of event manager with Duster-Man.

On the 30th June 2015, Duster-Man stepped down from the council as well the manager role and took up the mantle of captain, with Shogun replacing him as manager.

On the 16th November 2015, Dace took on the role of event manager.

On the 10th March 2016, Beggsy took on the role of captain after Duster-Man departed.

On the 31st May 2016, Jacobie took on the role of captain following the leave of Beggsy.

On the 1st August 2016, Jacobie took on the role of event manager with Dace.

On the 2nd September 2016, Dace stepped down from the council and manager role.

On the 4th September 2016, Legion was promoted to Captain of the Event Planners by Jacobie.

On the 2nd April 2017, Jacobie passed on the manager role to Seth.

On the 26th July 2017, Chemist took on the role of event manager.

On the 3rd December 2017, TheDoctor became the new captain.

On the 1st May 2019, Chemist was relinquished of his manager role.

On the 12th June 2019, RoseTyler took on the role of event manager.

On the 10th December 2019, Doc took over the role of event manager from RoseTyler.

On the 8th March 2020, Clear Insanity took over the role of event manager from Doc.

Helena Revan was named manager of the Event Planners on May 11, 2021.

At the Council Ceremony held on the 23rd July 2022, Darman was named co-manager of the Event Planners.

At the bi-weekly Rodel Raceday Event held on the 8th August 2022, Rodiz was named captain of the Event Planners.

In recognition of his hard work and enthusiasm for the job, Maverick was named co-captain of the Event Planners on the 24th September 2023.

On the 1st March 2024, as Darman prepared to step down from his council duties and enter retirement, he named Maverick as his replacement as co-manager of the Event Planners, alongside Helena Revan.

On the 19th March 2024, Rodiz Decided to step down as Captain of the Event Planners and leave the club.

On the 23rd March 2024, Malgus Was named Manager of the Event Planners, managing alongside Maverick.

On the 12th April 2024, Maverick went into retirement and stepped down as one of the managers.