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Aliases: Kel'Born
Joined (JAWA): March 2005
Pathway: Unknown
Forum Profile: Kel
Skin: Unknown
Lightsaber: Unknown
Quote: Unknown
On the 8th March 2008, Kel was removed from the clan due to inactivity.
On the 12th September 2007, Kel was demoted to Disciple due to inactivity.
On the 29th March 2007, Kel was asked by SiLink to step down due to all the responsibilities being easily handled by himself.
Details of when this player received this rank are unknown.
Details of when this player received this rank are unknown.
Details of when this player received this rank are unknown.
Details of when this player received this rank are unknown.
Details of when this player received this rank are unknown.
Details of when this player received this rank are unknown.
Full Member
Details of when this player received this rank are unknown.
The Beginning
Well I've got the game like 2 years now, on the beginning when I lauched it up it was fun, I was like, "Woah! Lightsaber!", it was unique for me. I didn't have internet then so I started playing SP. It was quite fun, after sometime my parents made a present for me and ordered interet services.
When my internet aws all set up I've decided to play the MP, I talked to my friend also a (JAWA) Legend MaStEr and he told me about (JAWA) and gave me an IP to the server. When I've joined and played there for about 10 min. I've met SiLink and asked him could I join. I've got accepted and after some time go a Leader position (Council then).
Hard times
It was getting rough, (JAWA) members were leaving and me and SiLink decided to shut down the clan, but I started FoJ, it was a child of (JAWA), most of todays (JAWA)'s were there. I've created it with Draggy and then got 2 new leaders for the clan, they were Xibios and Gunmetal.
The Return of JAWA
After a month or so SiLink decided to resurrect (JAWA), it came back with allot of new features and many events. People were really happy. After that I've recieved my Leader rank and aided SiLink in everything I could and I will forever, now I'm a long term (JAWA) member and a proud one!
Hall of Fame
Kel was inducted into the (JAWA) Hall of Fame by SiLink on the 25th January 2006 Here is what SiLink and others said about Kel:
Kel'Born is one of the most loyal clan members to (JAWA). Kel is also the nicest person I've met on Jedi Academy. He has worked up the Ranks calmly, to become a Leader of (JAWA). When i first met Kel, he stood out from the other at the time, he had leadership skills, great loyalty to the clan, great skill and a very positive attitude. Kel has stuck with me through the hard times of (JAWA) and keeps reminding me of what he said around the time we met 'I will always be here to help' he hasn't broke this promise ;). His internet was cut off around July 2006 and has popped in every now and then on other computers. He has said he would return soon, and he has! in late November 2006 Kel returned and has been given his leadership position back.
Heh heh KB! You were (together wiht SiLink and Chrono ) the FIRST people i met in (JAWA). Haha we always had a great time. On MSN and JKA ;D We supported eachother in good and bad times ^^ We made FoJ together and after returning to (JAWA) Your life became busy busy. Even tho you were a perv ( with your Viagra all the time ) your a funny guy and a great friend :)!!
What more can I say, loyal,a good leader,a good friend, SiLink's right hand man. Kel was teh event guy also. He was a good friend of mines. I wonder what happen to him?????