Aliases: Ruxith, Slime, Dubz
Joined (JAWA): 11th July 2012
Pathway: Unknown
Forum Profile: Ruxith
Skin: Unknown
Lightsaber: Unknown
Quote: Unknown
On the 18th December 2014, Ruxith decided it was time to leave the clan due to a falling interest in the game, we wish him all the best and hope he still remains a part of the forum community.
On the 3rd March 2014, Ruxith returned to (JAWA) and received his former rank of Disciple by Lostris.
On the 7th January 2014, Ruxith decided it was time to leave the clan, we hope he will return soon.
On the 2nd July 2013, Ruxith decided it was time to step down from the Council. He was later presented with the rank of Disciple by Nightwing.
On the 15th March 2013, Ruxith was chosen to serve as a member of the (JAWA) Council.
After demonstrating his continued dedication to the clan, Ruxith was restored to his former rank by SiLink on the 13th January 2013.
Ruxith was demoted to Adept on the 31st December 2012 for ignoring the "Removal of the clan tag" rule.
On the 1st October 2012, Ruxith was promoted to Jedi by NorthStar when Ruxith was one of the members who won in the (JAWA) Promotion Lottery.
Ruxith was promoted to Adept by Kirby on the 7th September 2012.
Ruxith was promoted to Padawan by Bandeth on the 1st August 2012.
Ruxith began his journey with the nickname of Slime, accompanied by AntiChrist they started JKA in late 07/early 08 and joined JFF. Beginning to get used to the game and feel comfortable in the community, he later progressed up to Jedi rank, being trusted with admin on the server for the first time and being offered training by the respected Loki. He later paired with Hawtsauce, which he became very good friends with and were a very strong duo. He also learnt how to make signatures, and began to learn the basics of skinning during his time there, a long summer it was that year.
Due to a bad choice by the leader, the clan was disbanded into JO, and CC.. as the leader decided to promote a new member to council (why we will never know). Ruxith joined CC as most of his friends accompanied him there, although there was hardship as friends were in both of these clans. It was hard at the beginning as we went from having a truly great clan to nothing, and had to start all over again.
CC became very successful, reaching number 1 on gameservertracker (an achievement for us). However, some Council/Leaders were becoming inactive, and Slime was the only fully active council left, so he decided to leave with the new member Anubis to play Basejka as it became too much for himself to handle alone.
They created a team called eQualize, where Anubis brought many friends together to be trained and to compete against oother teams.
During this time Slime renamed to Ruxith, a name he created to indicate a change in his path. He did however make many decisions to return to ja+. He joined several clans such as; JSO, EFF, and attempted to make others which didn't work out; Sith Academy, Dog Soldiers, Renegade, Templars of Kombat. Many friends were gathered along the way and others lost as they became inactive.
3 years on from when he began, Ruxith decided to make a clan called the Renegades in January 2011, but was only a success until he could not afford to upkeep the server.
4months later he rebuilt this idea, with many more old friends and some new, at a last attempt to make a clan. The clan name was created and called "The United Exiles", as we were players absent from our clans uniting into one force. It was a great clan and we went from one strength to another, but with all clans this late in JKA it didn't work out and activity went from highs to lows, it was eventually closed down.
Then Ruxith was lost, didn't know where to go next. He wanted to play ja+ because of the community but didn't have somewhere to call his own. He went back to base for a few months to try and figure it all out, joining Invision and competiing in ESL again. It made him realise why he was never keen on it, and he decided to make a final choice and leave basejka for good, in search of a clan in ja+ that he could become a part of. He heard of Tessa returning to JKA, and decided to follow her. Since then he has been a part of (JAWA).
Hall of Fame
Ruxith was inducted into the (JAWA) Hall of Fame by Nightwing on the 7th November 2014 Here is what Nightwing and others said about Ruxith:
Ruxith joined (JAWA) on the 11th July 2012, working his way up the ranks and eventually being chosen to serve as a Council Member. However, Ruxith is most known for his creative skill and artistic creations. Ruxith has been awarded 2 Participation Awards for his work with wiki media and member skins. Ruxith was also awarded two Contribution Awards by two different Leaders. After Ruxith resigned as Council Member, he was presented the rank of Disciple for his loyalty and service to the clan. In addition to this Ruxith was awarded three The (JAWA) Honours in 2012. These awards were achieved whilst helping the clan as a member of (JAWA) School, Dojo, Arts, Knights and Ambassador clubs. It is of no suprise that Ruxith is receiving this award, he has made an everlasting impact on the clan, and is known mainly for his many artistic contributions. He has even more amazing work on the way and I am very excited to see what he will continue to do for the clan.
I am pleased to be the person to give Ruxith this honour, I've worked closely with him over the past two years and I'm proud to induct him finally into the (JAWA) Hall of Fame.
Thank you for everything, Ruxith!
Ruxith was one of my biggest modding inspirations when I first started off; his creative work and ideas never failed to amaze me, and they were the basis of what I wanted to aspire to someday. When I first met him, I was amazed at how helpful he was to me and how easily approachable he was. Over time, he helped me hugely with my own projects and ideas by teaching me various skills, as well as giving me good constructive criticism for the work I had done. I am extremely grateful for everything he has done, but especially what he has taught me since I first met him. Without him, I would undoubtedly not be at the level I am at with anything I do graphics or modding related. Thank you for everything man!
Contribution Award
It's not often someone comes along who has not only amazingly good graphic editing skills but that desire to contribute those skills to the clan whenever possible. Since coming to (JAWA) mid 2012, Ruxith has been responsible for quite a lot of visual work around the clan. He's probably most well known for all the skin requests he has filled, which has transformed the "(JAWA)" clan into the "Kel Dor" clan XD. For the past couple of months, he has also solely been responsible for providing members with "Mini Icons" which are regularly in demand with rapid skin changes (Usually because of Ruxith in the first place :P) or with the amount of new members we receive on a monthly basis.. Mix that together with the obscene amount of "Profile Pictures" he's made and you'll understand how hard he's been working. Recently Ruxith has been working on and released an alternative version of the yearly (JAWA) "Grand Picture" which escapes the 32 player limit on the server and includes ALL current members as well as some ex members from 2012 which you can view it here. I present this contribution award to you for all the hard work/effort that you've contributed to the clan in such a short time, and I look forward to seeing what you come up with in the future :) Thank you Ruxith.
To receive one Contribution Award is one thing, but to receive two shows a lot of commitment, dedication and willingness to help the clan. Ruxith has once again been the front runner in the creation of most of the media we use on the wiki. In the space of a few days, Ruxith was responsible for solely creating over 300 Mini Icons and a Series of Mini-Backgrounds. This was no small feat and is incredibly tediuous to do. The implementation of the new members list relied solely on Ruxith's images to be created. After the release of the new members page, Ruxith continued to produce updated icons at the request of the members. This also extends to Wiki Profile images, which he continues to do to this day. I am so happy to have a member such as Ruxith who I can rely on to produce not only a large quantity of work, but to a very high standard. Thank you for your continued contribution to (JAWA), you are one of the most hard working visual artists I've met in a long time.