Server Administrators

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One of the greatest responsibilities held by (JAWA) Members is maintaining a safe and pleasant environment on the server as server administrators. Over the history of our clan, dozens of members have stepped forward to take on this responsibility, helping members and guests, answering questions, providing event support, and ensuring that the server rules are observed and applied fairly and justly. All (JAWA) Admins are expected to demonstrate their fitness for appointment by proving that they can be helpful, dispassionate, and use good judgment, and as a consequence our admin corps is one of the finest in the history of Jedi Academy.

Admin Ranks

The (JAWA) Server runs the Jedi Academy Plus mod, which provides three admin ranks: Instructor, Knight, and Council. Currently the Instructor rank is used only for admins-in-training and during trial periods, but in the past it was given to admins who only needed a limited slate of commands, excluding those used to change server settings or host events. Knight-level admin was given to admins who regularly hosted events, or those who demonstrated that they could handle the increased responsibility of these commands, including former council members. The commands most likely to be misused were restricted to the council. All council members received the Council rank for the duration of their service, and all available admin commands. At this time, Knight-level admins possess all available powers, the same as Council-level admins. The only functional difference is that lower-ranking admins can't use certain powers (such as amsleep, amsilence, amkick, or amban) on higher-ranking admins. This serves as a security feature, and also makes it easier to change admin passwords without affecting all of our admins at once.

Recruiting and Training

At this time, new server administrators are recruited by members of the council who oversee the admins and admin training. There is no formal application process, as admin candidates are evaluated based on the council's assessment of the qualities that they possess which might make them suitable for the job. Not every member who expresses interest in admin will fit the clan's needs at a particular time. If you would like to be considered for admin training or an admin trial, you may contact the following Admin Managers, who will discuss your interest, and inform you of whether you will be accepted as an admin candidate, or interviewed for further evaluation.


Council Admin Medal.png


Council-level admin is given to all members of the (JAWA) Council, including the clan leaders. This level currently differs from knight-level admin only in that lower-ranking admins can't use certain powers on members of the (JAWA) Council. This was implemented as a security feature, and to make it easier to change admin passwords without affecting all of the clan's admins at once.


Council-level admins possess all of the powers that are available to admins. Refer to our Admin Guide for more information on commands.


Knight Admin Medal.png


Knight-level admin is granted to admins who have proven themselves worthy of all the admin powers and responsibilities, based on their experience and conduct as training admins, or previous admin experience. They are also available to assist in event-hosting duties, or other official functions.


Knight-level admins possess all of the powers that are available to admins.

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Instructor Admin Medal.png


Instructor-level admin is given to newer admins, who are less familiar with commands, and want to learn so they can move up to a full admin.


Instructor-level admins possess all of the powers except the following; ammerc, amempower, and NPC spawn. These 3 commands are available on the event server, so that they can host events or provide admin support for events requiring additional admin powers. Because these powers entail the ability to change the server environment for all players present, they are only granted to those admins who have shown that they are capable of handling this additional responsibility.