The (JAWA) Dojo

From WikiJawa, The (JAWA) Clan encyclopedia
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 Manager: None
 Captain: None
 Founded: 18th march 2013
 Founder: Zu
 Active?: No
 Previous Teachers:
Athena, Arios, Ruxith, TheExile, Jazzy
 Related Pages:
(JAWA) School

Yalara 2.jpg
Icon zu.png


White Challenges Whitedojo.png

  • I do not need no floor: Kangy
  • Catch 'em all:
  • Heavily Handed: Kangy

Yellow Challenges Yellowdojo.png

  • Too fast, too furious:
  • Eagle Eye:
  • I am the gravity:

Orange Challenges Orangedojo.png

  • King of the Hill:
  • Take that!:
  • Sharpshooter:

Blue Challenge Bluedojo.png

  • And stay dead!:
  • Mission Complete:
  • All your base are belong to us:

Purple Challenges Purpledojo.png

  • Yes! Yes! Yes!:
  • I am the one without the force:
  • The Fifth Element:

Brown Challenges Browndojo.png

  • The Sith Lord:
  • Secret:
  • That's all you've got?:

Black Challenges Blackdojo.png

  • Secret:


The (JAWA) Dojo club has but a one purpose. The purpose is to help out people in need regarding the Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. The teaching/learning system is based on the Master/Student system we used in the past. Any person in the clan is free to choose under whom they want to learn should they ever feel the need. With flexible timezones, individual classes and original ideas, both Teachers and Students can achieve much more than before.

Unlike the (JAWA) School, where the classes were held during a set day, students applying for a teacher in the (JAWA) Dojo will no longer need to follow a particular schedule which often was not in their favor.

The Dojo uses a standard Karate belt system: White, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Purple, Brown and Black. Once Students feel they are ready, they can take a test in order to reach a higher tier of training where every subsequent tier will require a greater display of skills.

A person can apply for either a Teacher or Student position. In order to apply, simply pm Zu on the forums with a proper title and any information you can include regarding the (JAWA) Dojo. Once you are accepted, you will be granted a white belt and a profile achievement.


The (JAWA) Dojo has been launched on the 18th March 2013.

On the 24th July 2014, The Council declared (JAWA) Dojo Inactive as a club. The club was dissolved temporarily and turned into a forum area for members to help keep track of any lessons they performed with their 'apprentices'.


Whitedojo.png Starkiller, Random, KanGy, Pearl, Device, Matt, Zantos, CommanderMako, Dai, YipMan

Yellowdojo.png Indio Picaro, Sherwood, Penaparede






Teacher Profiles

Headteacher Zu


Teaching experience: I've been playing the Jedi Knight game since it came out years ago. I started as a rookie in a DV clan, trying to roam my path with senseless swings and jumps. With some help, I managed to learn my basics needed for my further training. As the time was passing, I migrated from a clan to clan gaining experience, knowledge and most importantly, desire to teach. When I reached (JAWA) clan around 4 years ago, I was nothing else but a hermit willing to help out others with their Lightsaber combat difficulties. Currently, I've had many successful students and I hope to share my experience as long as the JAWA will exist.

Teaching expertise: My teaching techniques are mostly focused on the defensive aspect of all types of lightsabers. I say the best offense is a solid defense. Mixing both passive and active skills, I can manage to deal with most hazardous suprises awaiting me. I specialize in Single Lightsaber, Dual Lightsaber, Firearms, Force and Hand-to-Hand combat. The Staff Lightsaber is not my strong point, yet. If you decide to study under my teachings, be prepared for both basic and advanced aspects of my specializations, discipline, lots of time spent on practicing and most importantly, fun. As a reward, once you finish my course, you will be able to successfully fight against most odds thrown at you with any stance provided.


Students: KanGy, CommanderMako, AngelModder, Dai

Videos and Screenshots:

Teacher Shadow


Teaching experience: I have been playing JKA for 6 years. I have played on various servers with SP and MP dmgs, thus making me experienced from fighting with such a large pool of the JKA community. I have taught/assisted in some lessons in JAWA school. I have also trained individuals in the past. I continue to try to develop new moves and methods of combat using unique styles and experimentation.

Teaching expertise: My teaching techniques focus on Single saber combat, though I am willing to teach Staff saber combat if desired. I will teach the basics and the advanced aspects of saber combat. I will also teach things that are not directly saber combat related including Siege mode objectives/techniques, Advanced Platforming, Guns, Vehicles, and other special aspects.


Students: Pearl

Videos and Screenshots:

Teacher Mako


Teaching experience: Coming Soon


Students: Orion, Spoonman

Videos and Screenshots: