The (JAWA) Post, Issue 61

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No. 613 June 2015


Helena Revan

Helena Revan



The (JAWA) Videos Club

 Editor's Note

Greetings, dear readers, and welcome the 61st issue of the (JAWA) Post!

Finally, exams are over, and summertime is drawing near! We expect a boost of activity over the next few weeks, and hopefully we'll have some new members joining, or older members returning!

We also have quite a lot of things coming soon: new council members were just elected, and the bi-annual clan survey should bring some great suggestions and feedback! If you haven't already, check out (JAWA) Central for further information. Also, the Sith Game is looking for participants, check out the forums if you want to join!

This month brings the debut of a new section! Helena is writing a serial, entitled "JAWARS"! We hope you all find it interesting and pleasant!

Enjoy this month's issue, everyone!

 Zu's Corner

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Zu: Hello, Steha-Pasta. You have been a member of our clan for a very long time, with a break in-between, and with that in your mind, how do you feel as a member of the JAWA Clan? What keeps you around us?

Steha-Hasta: Well, before being welcomed into the lovely place that is the JAWA Clan, I was in a skill-based clan for 1 year. I spent half a year receiving harsh insults about my fighting style, then spent the rest of the year on the JAWA server, where I could play how I wanted without being treated like crap. Luckily enough, the clan I was in disbanded :P then I applied for JAWA membership, and here we are! :L

So, three things keep me here. The easygoing JAWA family attitude that easily sets root in most people, the amount of time and energy a lot of the members put into making this clan the great place it is, and of course the awesome nicknames I have been given like "Steak and Pasta" and "Hasta la vista" :keke:

Zu: So, what is the story behind a two-word name?

Steha-Hasta: Why "Steha-Hasta"? Hmmmm... I believe it was just after the release of Attack Of The Clones in 2002. A teacher of mine (also a Star Wars fan) found a Jedi name generator online that he thought would be a fun activity for the class. I of course ended up with "Steha-Hasta," which has been my online user name ever since! :P

Zu: What are your JKA and JAWA aspirations? Steha4Council2k15?

Steha-Hasta: I am happy just spending time with you all on the server; don't need much else. :L

Zu: Do you like Nightwing? I mean... do you really like him?

Steha-Hasta: Huh... I have never really given it much thought. But believe it or not, I do!

Zu: What do you do outside the virtual world? Any hobbies and achievements you could share with us?

Steha-Hasta: Out...side...? BRAIN OVERLOAD!

I usually hang out with my friends or go for walks; I like nature. I also spend some time with Photoshop. Lately I am working on an update of my old cyborg jeditrainer skin I used a couple years ago.

Zu: Repeat after me: Zu is the best.

Steha-Hasta: The great white Wookiee is the best ;)

Zu: You were gone for some time, but now that you are here, how do you find yourself around all the changes and innovations?

Steha-Hasta: Honestly, it took about three hours of forum time, and I was mostly up to date! And I have not seen anything I don't like, so good stuff!

 Wolfy's Forest

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Wolfy: Hello everyone, and welcome back to my forest! Today, I receive Sazen! Hello Sazen, how are you?

Sazen: I'm well, and yourself?

Wolfy: I'm good too! Could you please introduce yourself for our readers?

Sazen: I'm Timothy, I'm 24, and currently reside in Alabama, USA.

Wolfy: Great! So, you first joined in 2008, for a brief period of time, and came back in December 2014. How would you describe your experience in the clan so far?

Sazen: So far I would describe my experience as excellent. Since my return to JAWA I've had a wonderful time, been getting to know more people, and been rekindling old friendships. I hope to stick around for far longer.

Wolfy: I see. As of now, you're a member of the (JAWA) Arts, and you're an event planner. What are your next objectives within the clan?

Sazen: Well, as for the clubs, I'd say I'm pretty happy with my current situation. As for my next objectives, I'd have to say, to simply progress through the clan, and to grow. To help others when and where I can.

Wolfy: Alright. What keeps you motivated about coming back to (JAWA)?

Sazen: That's fairly simple for me, the people here. JAWA feels far more like a family than just a clan to me, and it's what I've been in search of for the past few years. So knowing that I've found it, it helps me continue to have fun within the clan. The different events and just hanging with others.

Wolfy: Very well! What would you find yourself doing in your spare time?

Sazen: Ah, well generally if I'm not doing something JAWA or JKA related, I'm generally either playing SWTOR on the PC, or Assassins Creed on the Xbox. But often times I'll just be sitting around listening to music, or working out.

Wolfy: Okay! Now is the time for the traditional quiz! I will scramble our lovely members' names, and you will have to find them. I trust you will not cheat! Are you ready?

Sazen: Ready.

Wolfy: First one is Asezn! The difficulty is already high!

Sazen: Sounds like Sazen.

Wolfy: Good answer! 1/5! Next up is... Esmyst!

Sazen: System!

Wolfy: Right! 2/5! Third one: Travigsa.

Sazen: Gravatis?

Wolfy: Close enough! It was Gravitas, but you get half a point. 2.5/5! The next member is… Daurstnem! Sazen: Duster-Man.

Wolfy: Correct! 3.5/5! The last one! Who is Corphalyxys?

Sazen: Cryso... erm... Crysophlaxy?

Wolfy: It was Crysophylax, but you got the shortened name right, so I'll award you half a point. That makes you a total of 4/5! Thank you for answering my questions, Sazen! Would you like to say anything else?

Sazen: Well, just that I was somewhat nervous about this, because I was unsure just what the interview was going to entail!

Wolfy: See, it went alright in the end! And we will conclude our interview here! Thank you for reading it, and I hope to see you on the next issue of the (JAWA) Post!

 Nick's Statistics

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Hey, and welcome to the 4th edition of "Nick's Statistics"! This section of the Post details everything and anything of what went on this past month. Let's break it down!

Total Events: 13
Events with Allies: 3
Events with Non Allies: 10
Applications to JAWA: 8
Accepted: 4
Declined: 2
Pending: 2
Passed Trial: 2
Rank ups: 14
Member Leaves: 1
Birthdays: 11

That's all we have for this edition of "Nick's Statistics"! It was once again a spectacular month! Thank you all for reading my column this year! I can't wait to see what happens next!

 The (JAWA) Plot

Welcome to the latest episode of the JAWA Plot! In the previous episode, the team was sent out to handle the terrible situations in which our beloved members, McFish and Wolfy, had taken the part in. Thankfully for Wolfy, the people of JAWA have decided that McFish's crime was among the severest, and had to be dealt with immediately! With Wolfy being spared, and sent to a recreation center to rest and find his inner wolf, McFish is to be punished for the misdeeds he has committed! The crowd has spoken, and sentenced McFish to marry a related species, in order to prove to him that he is not a real fish! In addition, McFish has to spend the rest of his life in a pool into which he cannot dive! Also, a lifetime ban from every McDonald's restaurant there is!


Even before McFish's trial, our team received a worrying report about two of our members who were engaged in a fiery argument! After the trial ended, the team was sent out to check on Duster-Man and Spoonman, who were causing a lot of commotion on a planet covered in lava. When the team arrived, they were unsure what to do; but worse, they were unsure what had happened to the disputants! Duster-Man and Spoonman not only were arguing over who was better at cleaning the lava slowly flowing along the coast; but also, for unknown reasons—their heads had been transformed into a spoon and a broom! After contacting the HQ, the team now has to decide who is actually better at cleaning lava: the broom, or a spoon! Once that's settled, the team must figure out how those two managed to get their heads replaced with objects strangely correlating with their names!


Dear readers, it is time for you to decide who should be punished for their crimes against the right and lawful! Stay tuned for the next episode of the JAWA Plot!

P.S. The winner of the previous episode is Spoonman, who as promised, earned a place in the latest JAWA Plot episode!


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  The Dune Sea of Tatooine can be an unforgiving place. For thousands of years, the endless drifting hills of sand have obscured the landscape, confusing unwary travelers. Many have perished in the unrelenting heat of the twin suns. But if you know where to look, life is never far away.

  Dak approached the exposed spine of a krayt dragon at the top of a ridge. It was hard to tell how long the huge animal had been dead; the desert wind could strip the flesh from one of the gigantic lizards in a matter of months, or the sand could quickly cover the body, drying and preserving it for centuries. Whatever the case, it didn't look to Dak like anyone had disturbed it.

  Pulling out his pocket scanner, Dak took readings for the crystalline structure of krayt dragon pearls. These rare gastroliths were precious almost beyond measure. A large one would put the little Jawa back in the good graces of his clan, and perhaps leave enough to pay the bride-price for his fair Ivet. Even a few small stones would be good for trading up, and would enhance his reputation.

  Dak scowled as he examined the readings. Not even a hint of a pearl. The creature might have been an old one; it was certainly large enough. But something was odd; there was a large chunk of something metallic in the sand below! Dak began to dig under the krayt dragon's rib cage. "By the Overlords!" he exclaimed, as a shiny, scarlet-painted dome emerged from the dune. "It's an astromech droid! Looks like an R2, R3, or R4 unit..." As more of the droid emerged from the sand, Dak found the designation. "R2-E1," he muttered. "The old lizard must have fallen on it when he died! Good thing this sand was soft, or it'd be so much scrap metal!"

  The young Jawa nearly tumbled over backward down the hill when the droid suddenly turned its head to the right, its ocular scanner spiraling around as it surveyed the environment. "Boo-wheeah!" it vocalized, as it powered up, and several small indicator lights around the dome began switching on. This was Dak's lucky day after all! A functioning astromech droid might not make him rich, but it'd fetch a good price in town.

  "Hi there!" he said, trying to sound as friendly as possible. "I'm Dak. You're R2-E1?" The droid whistled in the affirmative. "Can you move?" Dak helped free the droid's legs from the deep sand. R2-E1 started to shuffle forward, shaking sand from his barrel-shaped body. The dune quickly covered the void left behind him, and Dak ushered the astromech down the slope toward his aging hoversled. "Looks like you need a new motivator," Dak observed, as the droid ground to a halt repeatedly, and beeped his frustration. Slowly but surely, the pair made it to the hoversled, and Dak set a course for Anchorhead.

•    •    •

  The first task, Dak said to himself, was to replace anything broken on the droid. He'd get a much better price if everything were in working order. Dak paid for a rebuilt motivator at a scrap dealer he knew, and sat down in the shade of a bright adobe building on Terrek Street to change some diodes. With any luck, he'd be done in a couple of hours. The droid seemed pleasant enough, but R2-E1 wasn't talking much, and Dak couldn't get him to say how long he'd been buried in the sand. Probably confused by the whole situation, the Jawa thought.

  Just then, Dak heard a commotion from across Pelderk Square. It seemed to be coming from a cantina on the other side. A Rodian in shabby clothes burst through the door, and pelted across the sandy ground toward Terrek Street, pursued by a Snivvian waving some kind of baton, growling and snarling, and baring his jagged teeth. Dak couldn't make out what the green-skinned Rodian was shouting, but he could see the man was in trouble! An arc of electricity jumped from the baton to the Snivvian's quarry, and the Rodian squealed in pain as he passed Dak. Making up his mind, Dak stuck out his leg just as the Snivvian drew near. Dak was close enough to see the sudden alarm in the pursuer's red eyes as he tripped and tumbled headlong to the ground, striking his head on the hard-packed earth and rolling to a stop in the middle of the street.

  The Jawa stood up and walked over to the motionless Snivvian. Froth dripped from his jaws, and his long, grey snout rested in the dust. He was still breathing, but evidently knocked senseless. Some sort of modified stun baton was still clutched in his hand. The Snivvian wasn't much taller than Dak, about a meter and a half, but he had certainly seemed fierce. And angry. Looking up, Dak saw the Rodian looking out from behind a low wall just down the street. Cautiously, the man stood up and walked over to him.

  "I gotta thank you for the rescue," said the shabby Rodian, his antennae swiveling nervously as he shook Dak's hand. The Jawa wasn't sure what to say. Why had he done something so dangerous to save a total stranger, whom for all he knew deserved whatever he had coming?

  "I couldn't just let him beat you up," he managed.

  The Rodian seemed embarrassed. "Well, we had a sort of... disagreement... over some money I owed him..." Dak worried that he might have made a mistake, intervening in a dispute he had no part in. The Rodian saw the doubt in his eyes. "Allegedly!" he added. That didn't help a lot. An awkward pause followed. Finally he said, "I'm Danoweevak Odresi. But people just call me 'Dan' for short."

  "Dak ven Tinker," replied the Jawa. "I was just repairing this droid for sale when..." he broke off as a groan came from the sprawling Snivvian.

  "Come with me," said Dan, gesturing further down the street, "before he wakes up! I know a place we'll be safe." Dak ran back to R2-E1 and loaded him on the sled, and the three set off through the winding streets of Anchorhead, finally stopping at a rather run-down looking inn on a quiet back street.

•    •    •

  The faded sign over the door read, "Blue Horizon." Dan ushered them into the main room, where there were several empty tables and a row of equally-unoccupied seats in front of the bar. A Rodian woman looked up from the other side of the bar, as she wiped off a glass with a towel.

  "Dan! You look like you're in trouble... again!" the woman sighed. Looking at Dak, she asked, "who's your friend?"

  "This is Dak," he said, gesturing politely at the Jawa. "He helped me out of a scrape this morning." Turning to Dak, he said, "this is my sister, Rosalba." Dak bowed politely, at which the Rodian woman smiled. "A lunar bliels, please, and a Jawa juice for my friend!"

  Dak interrupted. "Just water, please." Water would be much more refreshing, he thought.

  Rosalba nodded. "Any friend of Dan's is a friend of mine. Now, tell me about this scrape you got into. And where did you come by that droid?" R2 turned his head to regard the barkeep, and beeped softly in acknowledgment, before settling into quiet contemplation. The Jawa and the Rodian began to recount the morning's events.


 Monthly Comic
 Video of the Month















Legion Master Grimclaw




Noah Darkstar
The Exile


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