Watch Out For That Sniper!

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(JAWA) Darts


Merc War


Watch Out For That Sniper!

Type Difficulty
Shooting Intermediate
MapTaspir.png PickupsOff.png WeaponDisruptor.png

Always a favourite, this event was part of the first (JAWA) League, before the revival of the clan in January, 2006. The objective is to avoid disruptor/sniper fire for as long as possible in an exposed area of the map where all other participants can see you. The person with the longest survival time wins the event! The record time of three minutes and twenty seconds, which seems likely to stand for all time, was established by Fluffy.

In January, 2006 the event was replaced by "Enemies from the Sky," but the traditional sniper event was revived the following month. The longest time recorded since that time is fifty seconds by Yoshi in October, 2006. This event is also known as "Look Out for that Sniper!" and "Survivor."

  • Participants must line up in the center of the Taspir pad, the organizer will then give everyone ammerc and ask everyone to choose a building to shoot from. Please note you must go to the top of one of the 3 buildings
  • Only the disruptor can be used in the event to shoot players, if you need more ammunition then ask the organizer. Please try to avoid wasting ammo though as this can slow down the event for others
  • Once your name is called out, you will be de-merced (Scroll to melee and then back to your saber if you're stuck in the sniper scope) and asked to make your way to the center of the pad where you originally lined up with the other participants
  • Shooting other participants that aren't in the center may result in you being removed from the event
  • When a participant is in the center and all the others are aiming at him/her, a countdown will then begin (3, 2, 1, GO!) on GO! players will then attempt to shoot the person in the middle until the target is vaporized by a disruptor. If shots are fired before GO! then the target will be given another turn.
  • The score each player receives is based on how long they survived until they are vaporized. This is done by a timekeeper who volunteers before the event begins.
  • When you become the target, melee and saber must be off. You must also stay within the "landing pad" on Taspir and not go outside it or hide.

 January  Shadow (22 seconds)
 January  Helena Revan & Wolfy (tied at 26 seconds)
 February  Shadow (22 seconds)
 March  Wolfy (11 seconds)
 April  AngelModder (8 seconds)
 May  Redshadow (15 seconds)
 June  Shadow (9 seconds)
 July  AcéS (23 seconds)
 August  Dizzy & Kangy (tied at 17 seconds)
 September  Wolfy, Helena Revan, & RedBlueGreen (tied at 6 seconds)
 October  Yakoshi (8 seconds)
 November  Redshadow & Dragon (tied at 10 seconds)
 December  Haloex (28 seconds)
 January  Helena Revan (13 seconds)
 February  Cassidy (32 seconds)
 March  Pandorum & Loki (tied at 10 seconds)
 April  Helena Revan (23 seconds)
 May  Shadow (6 seconds)
 June  Wolfy (9 seconds)
 July  IronSkull86 and Redshadow (tied at 6 seconds)
 August  Loki (31 seconds)
 September  Maverick (15 seconds)
 October  T` (19 seconds)
 November  Redshadow (15 seconds)
 December  Redshadow (27 seconds)
 January  Zeus121 (22 seconds)
 February  Cassidy (9 seconds)
 March  Helena Revan (44 seconds)
 April  Misery (29 seconds)
 May  Redshadow (11 seconds)
 June  Helena Revan (17 seconds)
 July  Frosty (7 seconds)
 August  Cassidy (30 seconds)
 September  Helena Revan (9 seconds)
 October  Helena Revan (20 seconds)
 November  Wolfy (19 seconds)
 December  Redshadow (20 seconds)
 January  Helena Revan (18 seconds)
 February  Ken Solo (18 seconds)
 March  Darman (21 seconds)
 April  Graboids (19 seconds)
 May  Helena Revan (14 seconds)
 June  Redshadow (25 seconds)
 July  Helena Revan (8 seconds)
 August  Redshadow (20 seconds)
 September  Helena Revan (27 seconds)
 October  Helena Revan (16 seconds)
 November  Jacobie (21 seconds)
 December  Misery (20 seconds)
 January  Sovereign (10 seconds)
 February  Crysophylax (11 seconds)
 March  Saito (16 seconds)
 April  Cronus (14 seconds)
 May  Wolfy (16 seconds)
 June  Sovereign (11 seconds)
 July  SephFF (25 seconds)
 August  Cronus (8 seconds)
 September  Shadow (14 seconds)
 October  Cassidy & Cronus (tied at 6 seconds)
 November  Helena Revan (7 seconds)
 December  Helena Revan (20 seconds)
 January  Redshadow (8 seconds)
 February  Redshadow (18 seconds)
 March  KoffeeKing (27 seconds)
 April  Joshua (16 seconds)
 May  Helena Revan & Clear Insanity (tied at 16 seconds)
 June  LoneStar (23 seconds)
 July  Apollyon (14 seconds)
 August  Helena Revan (31 seconds)
 September  Natsumi (32 seconds)
 October  Crysophylax (11 seconds)
 November  TheDoctor (14 seconds)
 December  Redshadow & KoffeeKing (tied at 11 seconds)
 January  Redshadow (16 seconds)
 February  Arios (30 seconds)
 March  Ivanova (8 seconds)
 April  Frosty (18 seconds)
 May  Helena Revan & Phobo (tied at 10 seconds)
 June  Natsumi (10 seconds)
 July  Bandeth (35 seconds)
 August  Andanas (25 seconds)
 September  Robin (17 seconds)
 October  Redshadow (40 seconds)
 November  Wolfy (14 seconds)
 December  The Doctor (24 seconds)
 January  Frosty (11 seconds)
 February  Mooku (10 seconds)
 March  Stormie (13 seconds)
 April  Stormie (25 seconds)
 May  Elfenlied (22 seconds)
 June  Helena Revan (31 seconds)
 July  Rose Tyler (17 seconds)
 August  Stormie (16 seconds)
 September  Shadow (12 seconds)
 October  Helena Revan (18 seconds)
 November  Agent (11 seconds)
 December  Ivanova (7 seconds)
 January  Aya Solari (20 seconds)
 February  Matoro (53 seconds)
 March  Matoro (40 seconds)
 April  Matoro (27 seconds)
 May  Helena Revan (11 seconds)
 June  Jacobie (9 seconds)
 July  Aya Solari (9 seconds)
 August  Shadow (13 seconds)
 September  Nightwing (18 seconds)
 October  Nightwing & Cronus (tied at 13 seconds)
 November  Frosty (22 seconds)
 December  Redshadow (21 seconds)
 January  Wolfy (35 seconds)
 February  Sherwood (8 seconds)
 March  Nightwing (19 seconds)
 April  Seneca (12 seconds)
 May  Shogun (19 seconds)
 June  Arios (12 seconds)
 July  Cruzador (22 seconds)
 August  Matoro (25 seconds)
 September  Helena Revan (14 seconds)
 October  Anoek (14 seconds)
 November  Nightwing (11 seconds)
 December  Frosty (19 seconds)
 January  Anoek (28 seconds)
 February  Zantos & Giffy (tied at 9 seconds)
 March  Shadow (14 seconds)
 April  Dopie (18 seconds)
 May  McFish & Bloop (tied at 13 seconds)
 June  Wolfy (11 seconds)
 July  Raven (7 seconds)
 August  Omicron (26 seconds)
 September  Lostris (22 seconds)
 October  Duster-Man (22 seconds)
 November  Wolfy & StarKnight (11 seconds)
 December  Silva (9 seconds)
 January  SiLink (16 seconds)
 February  SiLink (16 seconds)
 March  Lostris (15 seconds)
 April  Shadow (23 seconds)
 May  Wolfy (7 seconds)
 June  Duster-Man (6 seconds)
 July  Nightwing (10 seconds)
 August  Dace (20 seconds)
 September  Nightwing (37 seconds)
 October  McFish (23 seconds)
 November  Redshadow (18 seconds)
 December  Jenna (21 seconds)
 January  Vince (21 seconds)
 February  IxFlexburo (9 seconds)
 March  SiLink (14 seconds)
 April  SiLink (20 seconds)
 May  Robin (14 seconds)
 June  Just Another Guy (22 seconds)
 July  Ruxith (11 seconds)
 August  NorthStar (9 seconds)
 September  Athena (8 seconds)
 October  Jazzy (9 seconds)
 November  Dopie (11 seconds)
 December  Xanatos and Lostris (8 seconds)
 January  Wawel (28 seconds)
 February  Mendel (10 seconds)
 March  SiLink (28 seconds)
 April  Ford (19 seconds)
 May  Kobra (14 seconds)
 June  SiLink (21 seconds)
 July  Anoek (8 seconds)
 August  Crysophylax and Diamond (14 seconds)
 September  Ace (31 seconds)
 October  Helena Revan (12 seconds)
 November  Ace (12 seconds)
 December  NorthStar (19 seconds)
 January  Boneweaver (11 seconds)
 February  Sovereign (29 seconds)
 March  Jazzy (16 seconds)
 April  SiLink (32 seconds)
 May  Jazzy (27 seconds)
 June  Sipher (19 seconds)
 July  Helena Revan (13 seconds)
 August  Sensei (10 seconds)
 September  SiLink (18 seconds)
 October  Aemi (14 seconds)
 November  Chrobry (20 seconds)
 December  Niner (15 seconds)
 January  Null (27 seconds)
 February  SiLink (15 seconds)
 March  Kirby (21 seconds)
 April  Falcon (29 seconds)
 May  Valtar (22 seconds)
 June  Just Another Guy (21 seconds)
 July  Valtar and Z (10 seconds)
 August  SiLink (22 seconds)
 September  Podoplovik (18 seconds)
 October  SiLink (20 seconds)
 November  SiLink (17 seconds)
 December  SiLink (18 seconds)
 January  Genbor Kreith (19 seconds)
 February  Gore and Reiko (11 seconds)
 March  Helena (21 seconds)
 April  Ghost (18 seconds)
 May  HaNNiBaL (30 seconds)
 June  Gore and Pawadan (16 seconds)
 July  Stitch (25 seconds)
 August  Hannibal (16 seconds)
 September  Shado Vao (15 seconds)
 October  Shado Vao and SoulHound (13 seconds)
 November  Reyukei (17 seconds)
 December  Nick (11 seconds)
 January  N/A
 February  N/A
 March  Sand (27 seconds)
 April  Helena (17 seconds)
 May  Fox (45 seconds)
 June  Wodec (35 seconds)
 July  Helena (43 seconds)
 August  DarkSoul (14 seconds)
 September  Wawel (36 seconds)
 October  Helena (46 seconds)
 November  Ghost (13 seconds)
 December  Jasp (Time not recorded)
 January  N/A
 February  N/A
 March  N/A
 April  N/A
 May  HI (Unknown)
 June  N/A
 July  N/A
 August  N/A
 September  N/A
 October  Yoshi (50 seconds)
 November  N/A
 December  Wodec (18 seconds)
