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- Past hour
Good to meet (or remeet?) you! I'll try to be on the server a bit Monday afternoon. Helena
- Today
What's up, folks! I'm cygnus., cyg for short. I played a TON of JKA back from like 2006-2011 or so. Was on the Modern Imperium council for a bit before everything imploded there (I think, everything from back then is super fuzzy since it was 15 years ago), and haven't really played at all since. Wound up re-downloading the game on a whim this weekend and found JAWA still kickin which is awesome to see! I think I'll be on the server quite a bit, excited to play again!
cygnus changed their profile photo
Standalone (random) events give you the chance to do them whenever we have enough players willing to participate. We can always do these at Game Night, but they can be done any time the server crowd permits. For CTF, I'd say 6–8 minimum, ideally, though you can do it with 4 or 5. For Siege, I wouldn't try with fewer than 6, and 8 or more is ideal. They don't have to be members or allies, but sometimes it can be hard to get the people on the server behind you. Don't be discouraged, though, it can happen any time! Helena
Close enough! The answer was: Weave Bin Making Itt Two hard The last clue might have been a stretch, but I was having a hard time thinking of how to represent "hard". Maybe I should have written a really tough math problem! Helena
Indeed. It seems there is some interest, though I am not sure when exactly is best to run something like this given that we already have events and not everyone is as available throughout the week as we used to be. Would it be preferable to have these as standalone events or as part of another existing event (e.g. part of event night, league or training)? How many people would we need on average for this to actually work out?
Tried to hold back for a while to see if we would get any fresh meat, sadly not. 1. Weaving (I tried loom first but it makes no sense) 2. Wheelie Bin 3. Making arts and crafts 4. Itt (A white version of the hairy guy from the Addams Family movies) 5. 2 x Heavy Anvils Weav(ing) (Wheelie) Bin Making (arts and crafts) It(t) Two Heavy (Anvils) We’ve been making it too heavy. Very apt given how extreme we got with some of these puzzles. Gonna keep it lighter from this point, maybe get some new guys in on this.
- Yesterday
My brother and fellow italian member, try to meet me in the server, discord or through Pm and let's have a chat
I remember back when I ran events (so long ago) I would actually try and incorporate things such as CTF and Siege. They weren't near as common, but it did happen once or twice. It's nice when we can have a change of pace and explore other gametypes, shake things up a little bit.
Why does your name sound so familiar? Lol Good luck and welcome back to the fold!
Very nicely done! Congratulations Aces!
He paid his way in, I saw the bank statements
Good luck!
I am 100% pro Siege xD!!!!!! One of my favorite gametypes in any star wars game xD!!!!!
- Last week
Hi, Elfenlied! Since you've only just returned to activity, we're going to place you on a two-week activity trial. During this period you may use (JAWA-T) tags. If you remain active, your trial should end approximately February 22, and you can return at your previous rank. Welcome back, and may the Force be with you! Helena
KAiNROTH changed their profile photo
PROMOTION AcéS Passes the Elite Trials!
RedBlueGreen replied to Helena Revan's topic in Rank Changes
Congrats! 😄 -
Congrats Aces !
Well executed, amigo! Congrats!
While council members can obtain IP addresses if they need to, they don't tell us much about anyone. Maybe it'd tell me if someone's in Italy or Russia, but since a lot of the Russian players use VPN's, it could show them anywhere in the world. But I'd have to look it up, and I don't usually need to—I'm concerned with how someone behaves, not the country he or she lives in. I only check an IP address if there's a particular reason to do so. I don't know what you mean by "That ip is a friend for you guys??" Who are you talking about, and what makes you think it's a friend of anyone? If someone's breaking rules, then an admin will step in if the admin sees it. It does not matter whether the person is a friend of the admin. If someone isn't breaking rules—or the admins don't see it—then the admins can't do anything about it. Again, it doesn't matter whether the person is a friend. I feel like there are some serious communication problems between us. You seem to have certain expectations of the server, admins, or clan that aren't being met, but it's difficult for us to explain why if we don't understand what you're upset about, and it's not clear that you understand what we say when we try to explain things to you. I have some ideas for how to improve things, but you'll have to be patient while we figure out whether there's a better way to get through this. Helena
You can see ips. As you can see me, you see other ips. That ip is a friend for you guys??.. BYE!
Congratulations Master Acés! Well earned.
Master race has done it, 3/3 not bad.