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2025 WINTER SPLIT PLACEMENT TOURNAMENT! We held a round-robin style tournament on the main server this afternoon! Seven members participated in seven rounds, with each participant having one bye, and ties resolved by head-to-head matchups! Here are the round-by-round results: Round 1: KøRn defeated Heric AcéS defeated T` Aya Solari defeated Ken Solo Helena Revan had a bye. Round 2: KøRn defeated Helena Revan Heric defeated Aya Solari T` defeated Ken Solo AcéS had a bye. Round 3: AcéS defeated Helena Revan KøRn defeated Aya Solari T` defeated Heric Ken Solo had a bye. Round 4: Aya Solari defeated Helena Revan Ken Solo defeated AcéS KøRn defeated T` Heric had a bye. Round 5: Ken Solo defeated Helena Revan T` defeated Aya Solari AcéS defeated Heric KøRn had a bye. Round 6: Helena Revan defeated T` Ken Solo defeated Heric KøRn defeated AcéS Aya Solari had a bye. Round 7: Helena Revan defeated Heric KøRn defeated Ken Solo AcéS defeated Aya Solari Final Standings: 1. KøRn (6 wins) 2. AcéS (4 wins) 3. T` (3 wins)* 4. Ken Solo (3 wins)* 5. Aya Solari (2 wins)** 6. Helena Revan (2 wins)** 7. Heric (1 win) * T` defeated Ken Solo in their head-to-head match. ** Aya Solari defeated Helena Revan in their head-to-head match. The Power 10 Spring Split is now live, and you can join by challenging one of the two lowest-ranked participants—currently Heric or Helena Revan—to a best-of-five match. See the Power 10 page on WikiJawa for full rules and explanations! Also: congratulations to Grayfox for finishing at the top of the standings in the 2024 Spring Split! Well-Done! The Power 10 Rules and Rankings | Power 10 Scoreboard 2022–present6 points
ON THE 28th January 2025.. ------------------------- Sazen Was welcomed back into the (JAWA) Clan at the rank of Novice! Over their Trial Period, Sazen has made a great effort to meet the newer clan members and get a reminder of what the (JAWA) Clan is all about! CONGRATULATIONS! MEMBERS PAGE | SAZEN’S PROFILE! @Sazen5 points
About Me Jedi Academy name: Elfenlied Previous names: Elfenlied Discord name: Elfen Country: CAnada My Jedi Academy Experience Length of time playing Jedi Academy/Outcast 10 yrs Previous clans, schools, or teams: The JAwA Clan Reasons for leaving previous clans: Lack of time Websites of previous clans: Thejawaclan.com Are you an active member of a Jedi Academy school, training program, or TFFA team? yes (JAWA) Related Reasons for applying: I have alot of good memories is this clan and since I have more time to play i want to take part again ! Have you read and do you agree to follow our rules? yes Length of time playing on our server: 5-6 yrs Other Comments ReplaceThisWithYourAnswer4 points
About Me Jedi Academy name: Sazen Previous names: N/A Discord name: cloudsenatu Country: United States My Jedi Academy Experience Length of time playing Jedi Academy/Outcast Since release, but haven't played much for the last few years. Previous clans, schools, or teams: JAWA, AZ, AoS (thanks Helena) uhh.. honestly can't remember the rest. Reasons for leaving previous clans: Most of them died out. Websites of previous clans: N/A Are you an active member of a Jedi Academy school, training program, or TFFA team? Not to my knowledge (JAWA) Related Reasons for applying: Finally decided it was time to come back! Have you read and do you agree to follow our rules? Oh yeah. Length of time playing on our server: Off and on for years, just not recently until now. Other Comments Some of y'all will remember me, some won't. I finally have the ability to get back on the game and come back to the cool family!4 points
Greetings old friends, It's been some time. I apologize for being gone so long. Work has been super crazy and rl has been keeping me extremely busy. Not to mention I've been unable to access my account for a while now. With the help of Irons I was able to recover my account! Happy to be back and can't wait to catch everyone on the server for some duels. Hope everyone has been doing well! Glad to see JAWA just as active as it's always been. I've definitely missed everyone and I'm excited to have my account back. See ya on the server for some duels! -Cronus4 points
We pretty much FFA by default, people duel on the side and sometimes we have TFFA as part of events or practice. Where's the love for these two? With the right numbers these are actually pretty fun, with or without force as a weekly/monthly thing just to shake things up every once in a while.3 points
Well, seeing as this app is just for the lulz, I'm just gonna go ahead and Deny it and lock the topic. Good luck in your future endeavors! -Iron Guess we don't need to worry about any more unban requests from you. seeing as you are AWARE of the rules and just refuse to follow them xD!!!!3 points
About Me Jedi Academy name: Warløck Previous names: Tzu, Darth Malice, Lord Shadowspawn, Lord Cephus, Darth Veritas Discord name: Warløck Country: USA My Jedi Academy Experience Length of time playing Jedi Academy/Outcast Off and on since beta Previous clans, schools, or teams: Legion of Swordsmen [LoS], The {S}ith Empire, The {O}rder of the Jedi, The Order {TO}, {{R}}evelations of the Sith'ari (before the Geptun era), Dark Angels Jedi Order [DAJ], Eternal Jedi Order [EJO], Elite Jedi Academy [EJA] -- I also founded a short-lived Sith clan called The Final Chapter [TFC]. Additionally, not clans per se, but I was a guest Enforcer for Shao's Academy Domain, the founder of Jedi of the Old Republic [JotOR] academy, and the founder of the Shattered Worlds RP Universe. Reasons for leaving previous clans: Most clans I left either due to the reasons they folded (intraclan drama) or because they folded. Websites of previous clans: I don't even know if any of them still have websites tbh. Are you an active member of a Jedi Academy school, training program, or TFFA team? No (JAWA) Related Reasons for applying: I've had a sorted relationship with JAWA through the years. I didn't know of the clan in my original run-up to late 2006 as I played mostly FF (RP) and Duel, though I did have conversations with SiLink on the JAPlus forums. When I returned in 2010, I discovered JAWA and very much misunderstood the clan. I had my rough patches, butted heads with admins, and was likely considered to be an agitator though I rarely if ever broke any rules. Over the years, I've learned more and more about the clan, and after realizing that the old leader of {O} had been a part of JAWA (RIP Andy), I decided to take a closer look and approach the clan with a different attitude than I had in the past. Since then, I have come to find that JAWA is a very accepting and fun clan, and the server is generally a fun place to be. Admins seem to have become more concerned with the spirit of the rules rather than arbitrarily enforcing every minor infraction possible just to follow the letter of the law. I also became intrigued by the inclusion of Sith ranks as well as the acceptance of some former {{R}} agitators into the ranks. This has all led me to believe that I have misjudged JAWA in the past, and as I have been making new friends and feel more sincerely welcomed by this community than I have any previously that were not my own creation, I have decided to throw my name in the hat and apply for membership. I think I will be able to remain active enough to maintain it for the foreseeable future and feel I could contribute a lot to the clan as a member, especially with my new perspective that not everything has to be about changing the way things are done just because I might not agree with it fully. Have you read and do you agree to follow our rules? Of course. Length of time playing on our server: Too many hours to count. Recently, I've been on about 4-6 hours a week I think. Other Comments Ken Solo is sus.3 points
Ok let's take it down a notch. If we're not voicing serious concerns about the state of an application or wishing them a regular good luck, the rest can be done in private. This is turning into one of those unban requests where everyone throws in their two cents and nothing of value is gained. The trial proceeds as usual and the actual trial details are a members-only thing so they won't be mentioned out here anyway. Complaints about lamers or other troublemakers should be directed to the 'Rule Breaker Reports' section located at The Server - (JAWA) unless you're planning on making it quick on Discord.3 points
I guess I'll give this a try and get back into doing images.... maybe..3 points
Hi, Elfenlied! Since you've only just returned to activity, we're going to place you on a two-week activity trial. During this period you may use (JAWA-T) tags. If you remain active, your trial should end approximately February 22, and you can return at your previous rank. Welcome back, and may the Force be with you! Helena2 points
FFA will always be the default, but other games are fun to play now and then. What we need is someone prepared to host them when the server has enough people who intend to participate. That's not always easy; often most of the people on the server aren't interested in other game modes. But any member may host events, including you—you would need admin support, but any admin may provide it. Give people a heads-up, and if the people on the server are willing, go ahead! Helena2 points
Hmmmmm. Stuffing. Down. Feathers. Rip. Hole. Crab. Hat. Howie. Walking. It. Clown. Pennywise. Scary. Wheat. Grain. Bread. Rye. Oats. Ants. Daisy. Flower. Groot. I am Groot. Baby Groot. Love. Toilet. Commode. Throne. Porcelain god. Potty. Necessary. Corner. Bathroom. King. Mascot. Shiny. Girl. Avatar. Uniform. Skirt. Legs. Happy. Cheerful. Down hat it wheat ants flower pot king girl. Down at it we dance flower pot king girl. Not there yet!2 points
About Me Jedi Academy name: Deathblow, Previous names: Fakeguy, Padawan 1-99, , Hugoslavia,Jimbabwe, Space migrant, Chadawan, TotallyRadawan and one or two others. Discord name: dont know Country: England My Jedi Academy Experience Length of time playing Jedi Academy/Outcast many years Previous clans, schools, or teams: J*E, Dox, Born 2 lame Reasons for leaving previous clans: i was removed from Born 2 lame for laming too much. Websites of previous clans: no websites remain Are you an active member of a Jedi Academy school, training program, or TFFA team? not really (JAWA) Related Reasons for applying: because I want to be part of the fun Jawa family, and korn said it would amuse him. Have you read and do you agree to follow our rules? i'm aware of the server rules. Length of time playing on our server: long old time Other Comments Helena does know me and can provide character reference.2 points
This one seems to get progressively harder as I go down the images. Beetroot (Also known as a beet) Ovens (Or at least some sort of combined oven unit) Coral AR/VR headset (Ok this one got me I suspect it is indirect) Abibas (Sneakers, technically fake ones) I am going to assume the headset is a ‘fantasy’ being experienced and that the first letter of the sneaker brand is being used: Beet-Ovens-Coral-Fantasy-A(bibas) Beethoven’s Choral Fantasia I originally assumed it would be the Choral Symphony when I saw the first three but I cannot make the last two fit with that, so the Fantasy is the only other ‘Choral’ work of Beethoven I have heard of.2 points
Finally, the Sith master race continues to grow. Soon our ranks will be the default joining ones and we will execute Order 69!2 points
2 points
Congratulations! As you know, you have been accepted into the (JAWA) Clan as a full member! If you haven't already, please rename to (JAWA)InitiateYourName or (JAWA)IniYourName for short if lightside or (JAWA)NoviceYourName or (JAWA)NovYourName for short if darkside. Future promotions will be based on your attitude, participation in events, helping others, making good suggestions, and most importantly, loyalty to the (JAWA) Clan. As a member will soon receive a welcome message from our Recruitment Manager which will give you all the new member information that you need to get settled in. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask any member of the (JAWA) Council.2 points
Friends. You know why I'm doing this. But I will really stop behaving badly (stop bullying) if you follow my request. I will play more modestly or be in the spectator. I can promise that. We believe that the War clan should continue training. And this applies to new people. Thank you.2 points
The first (JAWA) League of 2025 was held Sunday afternoon on the (JAWA) Server, and was well-attended by friends both old and new! Fifteen members participated in the Duel Tournament, there was a thrilling finish in Watch Out For That Sniper!, a number of surprises in the Merc War, Sherwood won five events, and one event featured a first-time winner! Congratulations to all of this month's winners, and thanks to Wolfy for helping to host the (JAWA) League! Events and Winners: Green = first time winner! The Duel Tournament: Round 1 Results: KøRn defeated T` Shadow defeated Wolfy Helena Revan defeated Sazen Ken Solo defeated Sovereign Sherwood defeated Zarathos Warlock defeated Xel Beggsy defeated AngelModder Zsoltlustmaster received a first-round bye. Round 2 Results: Shadow defeated KøRn Helena defeated Ken Sherwood defeated Warlock Beggsy defeated Zsoltlustmaster Semifinal Round: Shadow defeated Helena Sherwood defeated Beggsy Final Match: It looked like a mismatch when Sherwood, who had never won the Duel Tournament, took on Shadow, who's won it a record eighteen times! But he hung on and fought fiercely, defeating Shadow to become this month's Duel Tournament Champion, and earning the right to face Redshadow for the (JAWA) Championship! The (JAWA) Championship: Though he fought bravely, Sherwood was unable to overcome Redshadow's formidable defense, losing to the reigning champion, who survived with 81 and 46 hit points in their two duels. This was Redshadow's second successful title defense in his record-tying eighth time as champion! FFA Events: Singles Heaven: Redshadow Dual Heaven: Sherwood Staff Heaven: Sherwood Melee Heaven: Sherwood Freestyle Lightsaber Event: Sherwood The Tag-Team Tournament: First Round Results: Sherwood & Warlock defeated Helena Revan & KøRn Shadow & Wolfy defeated Sovereign & Xel Sazen & Malgus and Redshadow & Zsoltlustmaster received first-round byes. Second Round Results: Sazen & Malgus defeated Sherwood & Warlock Redshadow, whose partner was called away before the match, defeated Shadow & Wolfy Final Match: Redshadow, fighting alone, defeated Sazen & Malgus to win this month's Tag-Team Tournament! (JAWA) Darts: This month's Darts competition took place on Board 2, with a difficult format called "Windows 25"! Each of the ten participants had to throw through a gap in the deflector shields, with the first throw going underneath shield 2, the second between shields 1 and 3, and the last between shields 2 and 4! This proved frustrating for many of the competitors, who struggled to get their sabers through the narrow gaps between shields, and kept scores low! Wolfy had the round of the day, scoring 650 points with the aid of the contest's lone bullseye! Xel finished in second place at 460, followed by Helena Revan at 450. Watch Out for that Sniper! Nine snipers took their turns on the Taspir landing pad this day, and generally scores were low as they aimed well. KøRn took the early lead, lasting eleven seconds in turn 3. That looked like it would hold up until, in the very last turn, Shadow doubled his score by surviving for twenty-two seconds! Helena Revan and Xel tied for third at just five seconds! Merc War: Though a number of favourites were present at this month's Merc War, the results were anything but orthodox! After Sovereign homed Xel, Redshadow did the same to his perennial rival, Shadow, only to be spiked by Zsoltlustmaster's timely use of the Flechette gun! Wolfy and Sovereign faced off on the long bridge, where Wolfy downed his foe with rockets, only to fall to his death in a Gollumesque moment of victory! That left Helena Revan and Warlock. After resupplying her rocket belt, Helena went in search of her witchy rival, and discovered him setting trip mines on the main level of Building 1. Taking aim, she fired a salvo of rockets that did their work, dispatching her last remaining opponent and handing her a rare and coveted win! TFFA: The Blue Team: Warlock (C), KøRn, Shadow, Xel, & Sovereign The Red Team: Wolfy (C), Redshadow, Helena Revan, & Zsoltlustmaster This month's TFFA was held on the Death Star, where the red team made good use of the terrain and team tactics to pull away and win by 18, 100–82! Screenshot: The event pages, Leader Board, and everybody's WikiJawa profiles have been updated! Congratulations to: @Sherwood, whose five titles on the day, including his first Duel Tournament crown, raise his career total from twelve to seventeen League wins, just two away from joining the top thirty on the Leader Board! @Shadow, whose win in Watch Out For That Sniper! gives him eighty-four League titles, good enough to move into sole possession of fourth place all-time!2 points
2 points
Well done! I must say those two Reborn in the background are looking especially fine.2 points
I awakened today to the following disgusting imagery on the Discord (view at your own risk): Clearly whoever thought that was appropriate was inspired by the following (deleting browser history after this): Therefore, at this point I believe it's open season on pizza topping, you can basically shove whatever you want on there. However, as someone who puts KETCHUP on pizza in order to give it a sharper flavour, I cannot exactly declare war on mankind for their poor pizza-related decisions. My question to everyone is, what sort of unusual toppings would you think of adding on a pizza? Single or combination, anything goes. Bonus points if you actually did it in reality and can describe the taste. Personally, I would go for the following: -Bacon -Black pudding -Sausage -A side of gravy (i.e. for when it's too dry, an issue that consistently comes into play when you reach the crusts) This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill.2 points
2 points
Life has shifted, and I no longer have the time or energy to stay fully engaged. I'll see you around, been a pleasure.2 points
Jedi Academy name during the incident: ElonTrump Reason(s) for being banned from The (JAWA) server: i went a bit far with political messing around and changed my name to JEWA Elontrump.JM What was the date?: today Which admin(s) were involved?: Helena, neon Please explain in your own words what happened: i renamed to JEWA Elontrump and was banned immediately after. Other comments: i am sorry for what have been done2 points
Well i've heard they put banana on pizza in Sweden, that i would not dare to try haha. I'm not sure if it's uncommon, but sour cream on a pizza is very good! that's a common "topping" here in finland. Finnish blue cheese on a pizza is also a big thing here, but that's not for me xD edit: OH i totally forgot, they also put reindeer on pizza here. I have never tried it myself..... YET2 points
2 points
I have no idea how I miscounted that. Fortunately this is the spam section and virtually everything I say in here can be considered utter nonsense regardless of quality.2 points
Aren't you Deathblow? NeoxRave and Xel banned you twice before I arrived. Given that I had to silence you three separate times, and I'm pretty sure you were warned for laming as well, not to mention impersonating me since last week or before on multiple servers, fooling one of our trialists into thinking he was promoted, and then the "(JEWA)" tags—while wearing the name of someone who made news yesterday because he appeared to be giving a Nazi salute twice, a fact which you yourself tried to discuss before you put on the "(JEWA)" tags, not sure whether you were alluding to the fact that I'm Jewish or some conspiracy theory about the clan being Jewish—I'd say another ban was quite in order. But since you were already banned twice and came back anyway, I don't see what the issue is. You can just do whatever it was again any time. And you will, no matter what the answer to this request is. And as your last unban request was turned down—what was it, the third in just a few months after your first ban was lifted, showing you never follow up on your promises to behave? I don't see any reason to lift this ban right now. But I'll let the other council members weigh in, and abide their decision. Helena2 points
Training is not exclusive to members, and if you're looking for someone who uses yellow more than anyone I would suggest @Helena Revan given that she has taught JAWA school in the past.2 points
Well, well... look what the cat's dragged in. I'm sure some may remember me... maybe? But hey everyone! Been a long time since I've poked my head in here. Just figured I'd announce my presence, show y'all I'm not dead... yet haha I've actually been thinking about trying to get back on the game, but honestly I can't say if I will or not given my availability would suck. But still, I wanted to just hop on and say hey to everyone!2 points
2 points
WINTER SPLIT PLACEMENT TOURNAMENT — SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 2025 — THE POWER 10 IS BACK FOR 2025! WE'LL BE KICKING OFF THE NEW SPLIT WITH A ROUND-ROBIN TOURNAMENT TO BE HELD SATURDAY, JANUARY 25—THE DAY BEFORE THIS MONTH'S (JAWA) LEAGUE, AT 6:00 P.M. (JAWA) TIME. TO PARTICIPATE, JUST BE THERE WHEN THE TOURNAMENT STARTS, SO THAT YOU CAN BE ENTERED INTO THE BRACKET! RULES: 1. Participation is limited to currently active members of the (JAWA) Clan. 2. Every player in the tournament will duel each other player once. 3. The initial rankings will be determined by the number of rounds won in the tournament. 4. If a participant is unable to complete all matches in the tournament, he or she will still be ranked by the number of rounds won. 5. Any ties by number of rounds won will be resolved according to the results of head-to-head matchups. 6. If this is insufficient to resolve all ties, the rankings may be settled by additional matches at the end of the tournament, or by regular Power 10 challenges that can occur at any time following the conclusion of the tournament. 7. Any vacancies remaining at the bottom of the bracket following the tournament may be filled by challenging anyone holding one of the two lowest ranks to a regular Power 10 match. FOR MORE INGORMATION ABOUT THE POWER 10, INCLUDING LAST YEAR'S SPRING SPLIT RANKINGS AND MATCH RESULTS, CLICK HERE! — MEANWHILE — CONGRATULATIONS TO GRAYFOX WINNER OF THE SPRING 2024 POWER 10 SPLIT!2 points
My brother and fellow italian member, try to meet me in the server, discord or through Pm and let's have a chat1 point
1 point
Ah, well. Too late for me! I think Donkey Kong is a great clue, but I would never have found "Kongs" from the dog toy! On "Kill" I was thinking either "Bride" or "Uma". Would not have gotten "screen" without looking up the picture somehow. Looks like a weather station of some sort. For "has been", may I suggest next time try "hash" (e. g. corned beef) and "bin". Looking forward as always to the next puzzle! Helena Edit: posted right after you did. Is it "Electric Avenue"?1 point
1 point
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1 point
Um, not so fast! I haven't been on the main server all day, and you've got more than a week left on your trial. Also, your tags should be (JAWA-T)YourName, not (JAWA)Name{I}. Helena1 point
1 point
I have no idea if my opinion matters because i am also on trial for JAWA. But i just wanted to say I like Warlock i met him randomly ingame the other day, He's cool. No problems. Nice guy. Love, Klovar1 point
The (JAWA) League for November, 2024 was held yesterday afternoon on the (JAWA) Server. It was a lightly-attended affair, with just nine members participating in the Duel Tournament, but it was no-less hotly contested! Dragon won four events, Sherwood won three, five events featured first-time winners, and there were ties in both Watch Out for that Sniper and the Merc War! Congratulations to all of this month's winners, and thanks to Wolfy for helping to host the (JAWA) League! Events and Winners: Green = first time winner! The Duel Tournament: Qualifying Round Results: Sherwood defeated Shadow Round 1 Results: Xel defeated Helena Revan Dragon defeated Kainroth Haloex defeated T Sherwood defeated Wolfy Semifinal Round: Dragon defeated Xel Haloex defeated Sherwood Final Match: Haloex defeated Dragon to become this month's Duel Tournament Champion, and earned the right to challenge Redshadow for the (JAWA) Championship! The (JAWA) Championship: In his first title match, Haloex hoped to make a statement, but Redshadow wasn't going to give him the chance, defending his crown with a decisive two-round match, winning with 163 and 153 hit points remaining in the two duels. FFA Events: Singles Heaven: Sherwood Dual Heaven: Sherwood Staff Heaven: Dragon Melee Heaven: Wolfy Freestyle Lightsaber Event: Sherwood The Tag-Team Tournament: Qualifying Round Results: Sherwood & Darman defeated Dragon & Helena Revan First Round Results: Shadow & Kainroth defeated Wolfy & Haloex Sherwood & Darman defeated Redshadow & Xel Final Match: Shadow & Kain defeated Sherwood & Darman to win this month's Tag-Team Tournament! (JAWA) Darts: Nine competitors contested the Darts title this month on Board 2, taking each throw with all four deflector shields up! The high throwing angle baffled some competitors, but several bullseyes and a triple-200 were still thrown, with Dragon turning in the score of the day, 1,050 points with one bullseye! Wolfy put up 730 points to finish in second place, well ahead of Darman's 450 with one bullseye, which was good enough for third. Watch Out for that Sniper! Eight snipers remained for today's competition, but even with the small field they struggled to reach double digits! In fact, only two did—barely—with Redshadow and Dragon tying at just ten seconds for the win! Helena Revan came in third, falling short with a time of eight seconds. Merc War: This month's Merc War got off to a rough start on the long bridge, as Shadow sniped Helena Revan, then Halo smashed Xel, and Shadow knocked Darman into the lava! Wolfy rocketed Sherwood, and after a lengthy rocket duel in the Dragon's Lair, Halo bit the dust! Redshadow emerged from his hideout to give chase to Shadow, whom he homed to narrow the field to three! But then, to everyone's surprise, Redshadow ran out of Force as he made an ill-advised jump and fell to his doom in the lava pit! Dragon and Wolfy remained, each setting traps for the other, but time expired with the score tied, leading to the first Merc War tie in two years! TFFA: The Red Team: Wolfy (C), Xel, & Dragon The Blue Team: Sherwood (C), Helena Revan, Haloex The battle took place on Tatooine this month, and Blue Team captain Sherwood led the way, scoring an event-high 25 points and 10 over .500, backed by the only other positive ratio on the day, turned in by Halo, as blue won by a final score of 60 to 47. Screenshot: The event pages, Leader Board, and everybody's WikiJawa profiles have been updated! Congratulations to: @KAiNROTH, who earned his first League title in the Tag-Team competition! @Sherwood, who scored first-time wins in three separate events, and who has claimed his first wins in four of the FFA events in the last two months! @Dragon, whose four titles on the day included two ties, and lift him into sixth place all-time with an impressive eighty League victories to his name! @Wolfy, whose win in Melee Heaven give him an incredible one hundred League crowns, making him just the third member ever to reach that milestone!1 point