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This topic is where you can check what's new in the JAWA store! I will post new designs that you can buy whenever I add them to the shop! Link to the Official (JAWA) Store!
Making this topic to be my place to post all my work I want to show here from here on out whether it be signatures or other graphics. Lately I've been working on something new I've learned and its been fascinating me. It all started with the Ultimate Warrior picture I did and from there on out I've expanded on it and seen it works on blurry resized renders and stocks as well. In the spoilers will include the original render or stock before I worked on it so you can see the differences. These are all wrestlers from WWE, AJPW, NOAH, and NJPW. CM Punk WWE Wrestler Original Render: Outcome: "Macho Man" Randy Savage WWE Legend Sadly I have no original for this one as I had to erase parts of the spare render to fix the hair on a part Outcome: Kenta Kobashi Puroresu Legend Former AJPW & NOAH Wrestler Original Render: Outcome: "King of Strong Style" Shinsuke Nakamura NJPW Wrestler Original Stock: Outcome: Original Stock: Outcome: Original Stock: Outcome: "Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada NJPW Wrestler Original Stock: Outcome:
Hello Everyone and welcome to my Blender tutorial Series for Jedi Academy! This tutorial uses the program Blender, and the tutorial series will be split up into several different parts, to help you learn and use Blender with Jedi Academy, for both porting and Frankensteining different models. Steps to install and set up Blender: Install Blender. You can download Blender from here. (I personally use version 2.78c, but you can use other versions if you like) Download Mr. Wonko's GLM Add-On for Blender, for versions 2.64 and above. Open Blender and go to File/ User Preferences. Then go to the Add-ons tab and click "install from file" at the bottom. Search for where you downloaded Mr. Wonko's GLM Add-on and select it, then press "install from file" at the top. To Enable the add-on, simply tick the 'Import-Export: Jedi Academy Import/ Export Tools' box and then press Save User Settings at the bottom. Now we need to setup your modelling folder's hierarchy, where you're going to be storing and editing your models. I have mine on my desktop, for example, and my folder structure is as follows: JKA Modelling etc/Jedi Academy/GameData/Base/models/players/ Double check and make sure that the folders you created are named exactly as I have shown above, otherwise Blender won't recognise the hierarchy and will give you errors! (excluding the first one called 'JKA Modelling etc', that can be named w/e you want, as Blender doesn't read that one). Navigate to your JKA install directory and open up assets1.pk3 with PakScape (WinRAR works too, if you prefer to use that) and extract the _humanoid folder from inside the models/players/ folder and put that into your players folder that you just made inside your modelling folder. You can also grab other base models from inside assets1.pk3 as well to put in there, if you wish to edit one of those in particular. Just make sure to keep them in their folders when you place them in your new players folder, along with all their necessary textures and skin files etc, or you can expect even more errors . That's it! Blender has now been fully set up and is ready to go! Part 1 - Basic Setup Tutorial: Applications and Resources: Modview - Pakscape - Blender - Blender 2.64+ Jedi Academy Plugin Suite v0.2.2 - Part 2 - Frankensteining Tutorial: The next part will focus on porting models that are not originally from Jedi Academy, and making them work in-game.
So while I was basically gone and not being very active I was deep into doing a production design class. The key points of it planning with printers, brand identity, planning creative ways for printing on what type of material. I could gone a lot more crazy with my project but a lot of the good resources were an hour drive for me and I just could not make that trip with 3 kids in the car. Long story short the class was intense and I was beyond stressed by the end of it. I passed tho! So now I only have three more classes left and ill be done. Anyway wanted to show off what I was able to make. Not everything is done to my liking but thats mainly due to time constraints. First project was a safety book for a fake company in the future I made up. All images made by me with illustrator and page design using indesign. I would like to know what yall think of this... All my kids say is that its "cool" lol. I'll post the second project it was a bit bigger in scope and A lot more work involved.
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Hey everyone : D It'll be my time to show my work xd, I am currently doing a Model kit, which is a german assault tank from World War 2, called the M109 G, from revell brand(for ppl who know modelism, or the curious ones). I also done some few other ones, from Star wars, and military too. If you want me to show them all, feel free to tell your willing for seeing what I did : )
So recently I have been playing SWTOR again, with new characters and decided to make some gameplay videos for posterity. This will be an on going project I guess first up being a Lightside-ish sith, then possibly a Secret Agent :x
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Originally a Jedi Outcast, Clan Map {O}. jedicouncilgcx before jedicouncilgcx. It's a bit hybrid with gcx but still close to the original source material. FFA3 Clean
I made a map for JKhub summer contest....first map I uploaded there and submitted. I think it would be fun to try some events on this...up to you all tho. Let me know what ya think ❤️ here is a link: also feel free to vote on the other maps/mods that are summitted for the contest.
Here is a thing im working on for JKhub's summer contest....still very much IW. Open to all ideas/hate/love/gonks/suggestions ill use this to post other things im IW on in the future.
I don't always need Photoshop to manipulate the real world. This first image is misleading. Last night it was very rainy, but because of how long I exposed this shot, there's nearly no sign of the raindrops in the air or hitting the water. In this photo I sped my exposure up to see the rain in the background and just let the raindrops build up on my lens to create some neat lighting effects. I love the way the purple light looks on this bridge, but the color changes every few minutes so I have to wait for the right time depending on the color I want to capture. I was hoping to get more reflection shots using puddles, but unfortunately I couldn't find too many in the right places, or the rain was too heavy to smooth out the ripples. I did manage to get this little gem, between shooting locations. This was the final shot of the night. I passed by this spot earlier in the night and really liked the way the light was reflecting off the pier below. Though I have to admit, it did look better in person, I do like how this came out. Especially considering the amount of rain that was coming down. It's honestly a miracle I didn't fry my camera.
So I have been working on a bit of a project for Arts Club. I've already given out a few of these to some of the people I made them for. Basically, I've made new forum signatures for all 11 Active Hall of Fame members in the clan as well as one for Andanas and one for Jaco who is a clan Supporter. Now by no means are these members required to use them, I just did this for fun. Also, for the people I've tagged that already have theirs, the only one that has been updated since I gave them to you is Doctors xD!! So without further ado... @Ace of Spades @Dace @TheDoctor @Dragon @Helena Revan @Jacobie @Jazzy @redshadow @Shadow @System @Wolfy And lastly but certainly not least, I made one for Andanas for his memorial page.
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Not really the best, but something I absolutely love to do whenever I go hiking or travel to new parks - I love the outdoors, and as you will notice, I love flowers ^^ hope you enjoy these photos ❤️
Hello all, I've just released a JKA video. The result of hundreds of hours of work and featuring dozens of player-made mods, I present to you "THE SITH OF QARR": (if the running time of 26 minutes discourages some, I suggest this to you: reach the 1 minute and 30 seconds mark, and if nothing's caught your attention, stop there) Please, do give me your feedback. I'd love to know your thoughts, WHATEVER they may be. Thank you!
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Due to me sorting through/remastering my entire photo catalog for my new shop, it is stirring up old memories from my adventure. So it looks like Darman's bedtime stories will continue for a little while. The year was 2018 and two of my good friends had gotten married. I was attending their wedding reception were, per usual, I like to be the drunken friend with a camera instead of the actual photographer. It's a way for me to enjoy my time as a guest and not feel the pressure if the photos don't come out well. Anyways part way through the night I started to panic a little. I made the rookie mistake of not packing my extra memory card and I had run out of space on the one that was already in my camera. A friend of a friend (Ben) noticed my panic and came over to ask what was wrong. I told him what I had done and he graciously offered to go grab the one he had in his car to lend to me. We traded numbers so that I could return the memory card once I uploaded the photos to my computer. About a week went by and Ben stopped by my condo to pick up his memory card. He told me he had added me on Instagram and loved all my travel pictures. That is when he asked me if I was interested in locating and exploring an old Cold War era military base in the middle of the mountains in Vermont (the next state over.) I was nervous at first to accept the invite since I had only met him once before this, but I trusted the judgement of my other friends so I accepted. Fast forward about a month later. I packed all my camera and camping gear. I thought the plan would be to set up camp nearby and then head up to the top of the mountain where the base was located, explore and wait for nightfall to take pictures of the Milky Way, then drive back to camp. His plan was different. He wanted to camp at the abandoned base. Since he was the one driving and this was his idea in the first place, I held back my fear and just went along with it. After about 4 and a half hours we reached the logging road that lead up to the base. For the most part the dirt road was smooth enough for most stock cars, but there were a few spots we bottomed out. We reached the first part of the base which was about a 2 miles away from the main part of the base at the summit. This was the village area where the base personnel would live and function like a small community. There was a paved road that went from this part of the base to the summit, but it was intentionally blocked by a big hole and a massive metal container of some sort. This meant we had to go up on foot from this point on. I rearranged my gear in my big camera backpack to fit the new plan as best as possible. The hike was easy, it took us about 40 minutes to get to the summit. The first glimpse was a little surreal. Like stepping back in time. Due to it's secluded location we were the only people up there. I was also slightly comforted by the fact that there was only one way to enter the base, so I kept a loose eye on that entry point to make sure there was no incoming surprises. After a few hours of exploring I really wasn't phased by the creepiness of this abandoned landscape. I had also gotten more confidence to venture up and down the buildings themselves. I was weirded out when I tried to use my drone to get some cool aerial shots. There was strange magnetic interference ( only know it was magnetic because the drone sensors gave that info) that was causing unstable flying conditions. I gave up on that quickly and stuck mostly to my camera and Snapchat. I was impressed at how much of the base was still intact. The base was built in 1954 as a part of the Strategic Air Command to alert the east coast of the U.S. to any incoming nuclear threats. The base coast about $21 million dollars to complete and was manned with about 174 people for a very short time as it was closed in 1963. Over the years the base is known locally for strange events and UFO sightings. Even though the base is now privately owned, there is a sort of unspoken rule where visitors are allowed, but they enter at their own risk. The sun started set which is when the real fun started to begin. I was on top of the main structure when I heard the sound of an engine getting closer. Instantly I made my way down to ground level so I wouldn't be stuck inside if I needed to flee for any reason. I had a large knife and retractable baton for personal protection, but I preferred not to get into a situation where I needed to use them. Turned out it was just some local teenagers that had come up in there very jacked up truck to watch the sunset. So Ben and I went back to exploring and getting ready to set the cameras up for the Milky Way. Though it was late summer, as the sun faded away, the cold wind set in. After we had taken all the desired pictures of the Milky Way, I found a makeshift fire pit some previous explorers left behind. I got a fire going and was ready to settle in for the night. However, Ben started to have second thoughts. I think we had switched places with the nervousness of being alone and cold on top of a mountain, in an abandon military installation, with a history of strange events. Plus the car was in an equally creepy position 2 miles away. We decided to make a compromise and at least go back to the car and stay at the abandoned village part. Walking down a mountain at 2 in the morning is a strange feeling. My senses were on high alert even though Ben and I were probably the most dangerous things on the mountain at the moment. We got back to the car, I settled into my sleeping bag in the front seat with my large knife in hand and Ben decided to set up his hammock on some nearby trees. Overall the I managed to sleep pretty decent all things considered. I woke up a little confused by my surroundings. That next morning we explored the village, then made our way back through the labyrinth of logging roads to go back home. We did it. We turned what could have ended up like a squeal to the Blair Witch/Chernobyl Diaries into a fun adventure. Even though my heart was racing most of the time during this adventure, I thought I had handled myself well all things considered. I even plan to go back to get more video footage so i can do a mini documentary on the place. I should note there are WAY more pictures, but I didn't want to go to crazy in one post. 😜
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Everything interesting seems to happen to me after midnight. So there I was driving back home on the Kancamagus Highway around 1 in the morning. Enjoying the twist and turns of the road, windows down and music cranked. Suddenly this massive brown object pops out of the woods in front of me and makes it's way across the road. I slam on my breaks just in time. It was a moose! I haven't seen a moose since I was a little kid. The moose was bigger than my car. So I turn my music down and go to grab my phone to get some video of this. That's when things took a turn. I hear the snap of branches and rustling in the woods next to me. I turn to look out my passenger side window and there is a second moose charging towards my car. With movie like timing, I throw my car back into drive and sped away to avoid this moose ambush. Needless to say, this is why I need omni present camera always recording, because even as I type this out, I don't even believe it and I lived it.
This is from a camping trip a few years ago, but I felt like story time, so here we go. For part of the year, Cadillac Mountain on Mount Desert is the first place in the U.S. to see the sunrise. During that time the crowds line up on the top of the mountain to catch a glimpse of however mother nature decides to paint the sky with on any given morning. On the final day of camping on Mount Desert Island I woke up around 3am, took a photo of the starry sky I woke up to, put on as many layers of clothes and drove up to the top of the mountain. When I arrived to the top, I was alone. Just me, my DSLR and my GoPro. After setting up my gear I started by taking pictures of the Milky Way over Bar Harbor. The plan after that was to try and get a time-lapse from a sky full of stars into the sunrise. I found the best spot and started shooting. I could feel the cold wind in my bones and nearly knocked my tripods down a few times. About an hour before actual sunrise the an old couple in a camper joined me at the top. While the wife stayed in the camper to stay warm, the husband came over to set up some camping chairs and chit chat with me. Shortly after that more and more people started to pour in. By the time the sun started to peak over the horizon, there was roughly 100 people crowding the top of the mountain. The time-lapse didn't come out as good as planned, but the sunrise was worth the hours long wait in the freezing cold.