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(JAWA) Podcast Play: Planetside 2


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Podcast members Pepsi and Diab play Planetside 2 on the Connery server as the Vanu Sovereignty. We are using this game as a test game really before we dive into games like Borderlands 2 and Terraria as this gives us more room for unpredictable things to happen and comment about as well as our test to see if we can hold commentary throughout the whole video. This recording we did was around one hour and 25 minutes but cut up and some parts may be missing due to nothing going on.

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In this next one I play by myself for a while to show you things I get into by myself while also testing the games graphics to the absolute max setting. This video does not contain commentary just pure gameplay (so I can go all out) of me in 2 situations both happening after each other in real time, nothing has been edited out. The next part with me and Pepsi will be out tomorrow.


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Theres going to be at least one more video before more footage will be needed. We also are going to be doing a Borderlands 2 playthrough soon/in the future.

May contain mature themes and language


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