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Veilor plays - Lili: Child of Geos


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I've gotten a better headset, so now it's time to use it. Here's the first video. Let me know if my voice is too low then I will boost it for the next part, I did some voice recording before and it sounded really loud so I think this should be ok.

Anyway here's Lili: Child of Geos. I've had my eyes on it since release on steam. I like the style so I bought it during the steam summer sale.

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It's actually quite fun, but collecting and exploring makes you lose track of time. As is noticed in the second part XD.

Which is here!

In this part Veilor finds a piece of the triforce.

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He sure is! This is it. The last parts of my playthrough. I wonder what I will be playing next :)

Part 4 - In this part I find the master sword and the fishguys are being weird.

Part 5 THE END - In this last part I do everything in my power to stop the mayor!


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