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Complete: JKA CO-OP Map


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Hello everyone! I am currently working on a co-op map for JKA... It will mainly focus on movement mechanics in JKA, I am trying to make this map have 3 total difficulty options


1: Extremely hard SOLO must know obscure JKA mechanics/strafing in order to travel from room to room.

2: Difficult but fast to complete with 2 people confident with strafing.

3: Basic JKA traversal tho slower to complete each challenge.

Note: all jumps designed on 125 fps| 142fps may not work for most jumps | if using 333 fps you are just cheating with that lol.


Its oddly difficult to design rooms with 3 levels of difficulty so some spots currently 2 and 3 are the same where 1 will be doing far more insane tricks to complete each room.


Currently I have a jump training room where you start... some puzzle rooms and a saber max range testing room. I think I eventually want to make a lobby where you can just pick a room and go straight to it... case ya just want to practice some stuff in the room or meet up with a friend or to watch people trying the challenges.

I'll be editing this post and the link here as I make updates so if you would like to help test the map and find all the ways you can cheese the challenges i'm all for it.


Please note that I am open to all ideas and suggestions or even ideas for all new rooms to be added. Poorly drawn sketches also help with ideas lol... I am mainly posting this here so if ya cant get me on discord this is an option for getting a link to the most current uploaded version of the map on the events server. The more input I get from you all the more i'll be able to fine tune the map into something enjoyable for all. Just know that I do intend for this to be semi difficult to complete. This why I added the jump around playground area to help teach people how traveling/jumping in this game works so they can improve their skills and complete the challenges. Once I get enough rooms tested and finished ill upload it to JKhub and I want to add even more rooms in the future.




I finalize the map and its ready to go.

Please know to complete SOLO you will need "rcon g_debugmelee 0" for the normal base wall grab.



Map date August 28 2022

Current Map

Edited by SephFF
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Map updated!!


Still WIP!

Things I need to finish:

  • Teleport labeling and teleports back to lobby area
  • Level shot image update .arena script
  • Add kyle NPC spawners in saber range room
  • label training area to be more clear
  • Indicate jumps designed for 125 FPS
  • Make grid texture no fall dmg
  • add some more details where needed
  • organize playground training area a little
  • add duel/tffa spawn points in grid ffa3 area

I Need Testers!!!

Things I need: Just need ppl to test the lvl and give thoughts on whatever.

  • SOLO Route: designed to be hard.. Look for cheese (but know how to strafe jump/rdfa cancel to solo)
  • 2 person Strafe route: not too hard but fun
  • 2 person no strafe route, not too hard but slower to finish










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  • SephFF changed the title to Complete: JKA CO-OP Map

Final map uploaded and on server.


Current file is here:  *will replace link with jkhub one once approved.*


FPS 125 recommended

Please know to complete SOLO you will need "rcon g_debugmelee 0" for the normal base wall grab.


map is set up for duel and tffa as well in the tffa/duel room with appropiate spawns.... no bot support tho.


Current Map

Edited by SephFF
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