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fast lightsaber moves


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Sounds like your opponent is crouching and fanning.  Not really something you want to pick up.  But the way to beat it is to keep out of his range, and try to hit him with strong swings from your maximum range.  You can't fan with strong, so you have more range than anyone who does, and if you're careful, you can whack him really hard when he does it.


It takes some practice!  But it's the best way to beat people who just do this over and over.  Don't be like them!  If you're struggling to find your range, just dodge when he does this and wait for him to attack some other way.  Don't run into someone who's fanning!



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It's best done during a very wide, open gap in an opponent's defenses, which comes with time to learn the timing and openings.

I can't tell for sure if you mean fanning or wiggling or both. Probably both though. In which case, they would be doing either an A-D-A chain or a D-A-D chain with yellow while gently wiggling their mouse left-right in a small arc to re-register the hits on the hitbox. They would also likely be poking while doing so, which means that as they are swinging left, the turn their camera slightly more to the right, and as they are swinging right, they turn their camera slightly more to the left. In essence, this means they would be keeping their saber aimed in one spot for the duration of the swing.

The end effect is a precisely-aimed swing chain with a light wiggle for added damage. I can show you sometime in-game if you want, but it's mostly a full-commitment move that is used when you expect to execute the opponent fully OR if the gap in their defense is so massive as to permit it and is not recommended for spamming. As Helena said, it can be countered to some degree by max-ranging with a red swing, so its primary use is when an opponent over-extends into you while using a red swing, thus leaving a large opening where they have no defensive swing and plenty of time for you to deal damage.

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