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Application: Klovar


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:wrinkley i am: About Me
Jedi Academy name: Klovar
Previous names: Unholy, Leafy
Discord name: Klovar The King
Country: Australia

:sand: My Jedi Academy Experience
Length of time playing Jedi Academy/Outcast 2004-2006 was when I first played.
Previous clans, schools, or teams: None
Reasons for leaving previous clans: None
Websites of previous clans: None
Are you an active member of a Jedi Academy school, training program, or TFFA team? No

:JAWA: (JAWA) Related 
Reasons for applying: KORN and a few other members have been cool so I thought i'd join and have some fun!
Have you read and do you agree to follow our rules? Read, Agreed.
Length of time playing on our server: 1 Week But I will be active.

:r2: Other Comments

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About time.

Reasonably sharp dual sabers you just need to get used to the block rates after being on JoF so long. 

I wish you luck with this and hope to see you do well.

Stay out of trouble and try not to die to one of the many poisonous creatures in your area in the meantime.

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Hello there!  Thank you for applying for membership in the (JAWA) Clan.  We'll discuss your application, and get back to you when we have a decision.  Please be patient, as this will take at least two weeks. You can improve your chances of being accepted by:


  • Being active on both the server and the forums.
  • Getting to know other members of the clan.
  • Showing that you have read and understand the rules.
  • Notifying the council of any change in circumstance during your trial.
  • Not changing your name during the trial, as this may confuse members about who they've met.


You may immediately add trialist tags to your name, like so: (JAWA-T)Klovar, so that members can recognize you as an Trialist (you may make your name any colours that you like).  Your trial will end on or shortly after January 21.  During this period you will be watched to see whether you can follow our rules, and your overall attitude will be observed.  If you are seen breaking any rules, you may fail your trial.  If you have any questions, please ask any member of the (JAWA) Council.


May the Force be with you,


Helena Revan



Edited by Helena Revan
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9 hours ago, p1cco said:

Hi there and welcome around! So, Australia… interesting 🤔 Just curious, what’s your ping on our server?



i use VPN and connect straight to Virginia US WEST and get a pretty solid 100-150 ping. so not bad.

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Um, not so fast!  I haven't been on the main server all day, and you've got more than a week left on your trial.


Also, your tags should be (JAWA-T)YourName, not (JAWA)Name{I}.



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3 hours ago, Helena Revan said:

Um, not so fast!  I haven't been on the main server all day, and you've got more than a week left on your trial.


Also, your tags should be (JAWA-T)YourName, not (JAWA)Name{I}.



Fixed the tags, Also , when i woke up this morning i went Straight into JAWA server for about 2 hours. so i did play there yes. i prefer the JAWAS sever anyhow i can use VPN in ther and get awesome ping and play twice as more deadly.

Edited by Klovar
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This is very confusing, so I will try and clear it up:


1. There has never been an {I} tag for (JAWA) but there is one for {JoF} and -[KR]- so this coupled with Helena apparently giving you this rank suggests an ill-informed impostor given that she was not even online at the time by her own admission. 
2. Your presence on the server is noted, as I saw you on there shortly after Knights practice last night. In terms of activity just hang around (Website, Server, Discord) and get to know people, that’s all there is to it. 
3. I also recall you saying that you had been impersonated by multiple people on the server in the past few days, which Helena is apparently aware of from what you told me. This may tie in to the fake ‘promotion’ you received and could be an ongoing issue, but it comes with the territory. 

4. Any updates regarding applications will be made by Council or higher on your application, and will not be made until the end of the trial period. 

To sum it up, the trial is not over until the specified date, so keep going and take it one day at a time. 


UPDATE: After doing some digging I can confirm Klovar has been impersonated multiple times on other servers before and during his (JAWA) trial. The impostor has been using his name while trying to behave as badly as possible, but was discovered and repeatedly banned for it. Therefore, it is likely the person who told Klovar he has passed his trial was the same impostor doing an equally terrible job after their previous attempts had failed.

Edited by koRn
New information.
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Wow that is so confusing I had no idea that was an imposter Helena.

When I get home I'll switch the tags back.

Geez these imposter are just getting worse and worse 

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16 hours ago, koRn said:

This is very confusing, so I will try and clear it up:


1. There has never been an {I} tag for (JAWA) but there is one for {JoF} and -[KR]- so this coupled with Helena apparently giving you this rank suggests an ill-informed impostor given that she was not even online at the time by her own admission. 
2. Your presence on the server is noted, as I saw you on there shortly after Knights practice last night. In terms of activity just hang around (Website, Server, Discord) and get to know people, that’s all there is to it. 
3. I also recall you saying that you had been impersonated by multiple people on the server in the past few days, which Helena is apparently aware of from what you told me. This may tie in to the fake ‘promotion’ you received and could be an ongoing issue, but it comes with the territory. 

4. Any updates regarding applications will be made by Council or higher on your application, and will not be made until the end of the trial period. 

To sum it up, the trial is not over until the specified date, so keep going and take it one day at a time. 


UPDATE: After doing some digging I can confirm Klovar has been impersonated multiple times on other servers before and during his (JAWA) trial. The impostor has been using his name while trying to behave as badly as possible, but was discovered and repeatedly banned for it. Therefore, it is likely the person who told Klovar he has passed his trial was the same impostor doing an equally terrible job after their previous attempts had failed.

Thank you mate for that. I forgot to screenshot it on the first 2 nights but from now on i will screenshot everything.
Also -
I was NOT prepared for that level of trolling. Still getting used to the toxicity.

Edited by Klovar
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Hi everyone. My power just went out again. We had SUPERSTORM in Sydney AUSTRALIA. 100,000 homes lost power.

Anyhow, I've been told that apparently I've been jumping servers and laming.

First of all my power was out in the afternoon due to probably the worst high winds I've ever seen on my life.


To the point,

I will no longer open my sabers, fight, or duel anyone until I complete my trial,

This is because I value being a part of JAWA clan.

Once I am accepted, will resume dueling people as usual.

I only play 2 servers -



If anyone is seen even opening there Saber with my name, it is not me.

Thanks for reading.




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That's a rather odd way to fit into a community that's built around fighting with lightsabers.  You're not being asked not to fight; you're being asked to make sure you're not breaking the rules—ours or those on other servers you happen to visit.  Your goal is to make friends and enjoy the game, but you'll have trouble doing that if you won't fight or duel.  You can do both without laming or letting trolls provoke you.



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11 minutes ago, Helena Revan said:

That's a rather odd way to fit into a community that's built around fighting with lightsabers.  You're not being asked not to fight; you're being asked to make sure you're not breaking the rules—ours or those on other servers you happen to visit.  Your goal is to make friends and enjoy the game, but you'll have trouble doing that if you won't fight or duel.  You can do both without laming or letting trolls provoke you.



Understand, but I feel like this the only way to prove this notme,

This is a next level of trolling.

JOF shirathra


And others agree this is sweaty next level trolling never seen before

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41 minutes ago, Klovar said:

Understand, but I feel like this the only way to prove this notme,

This is a next level of trolling.

JOF shirathra


And others agree this is sweaty next level trolling never seen before.

After speaking to Helena I will resume dueling before the trial ends. but onlydueling.
Game is boring without dueling...   xD


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Yeah, you need to take it easy. Impostors gonna impersonate.


Turning off sabers for days on end would do nothing anyway, I can already think of several ways to cause problems without activating sabers, so unless you were planning to be mute and still the entire time on the server (essentially the equivalent of AFK) then there would be no escaping it, and you would still get impersonated by someone who couldn't care less.

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Realtalk, bruv: The more you react, the more they’ll troll you. Chill out a bit, or they’ll just keep at it. Honestly, it feels like you might’ve provoked this over on JoF or something because even after 20 years of making myself the scapegoat for drama, I don’t get trolled this much. You hit me up when I'm dueling or chatting, complaining about lamers or nonsense like jetpacks, so I wonder if you're doing the same to others. It seems like you're feeding into it.

Not trying to overstep, but things are usually calm until you show up, and it's making me question what’s really going on. I'm also trialing, so it may seem out of line, but I’ve led communities before both in this game and IRL, and this feels like it could be more about attention than real harassment. Kinda sus how people always seem to follow you around.

If it's just harassment by no-lifers who have all day to sit around watching trackers to see if you are on, try ignoring them or using amsay. Reacting to them directly just makes it worse.

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My Jaw DROPPED when i read that Warlock.
You think i like being followed by trolls.....


It's Shit i Hate it man it's not my fault.
''The more you react, the more they’ll troll you. Chill out a bit''
This is why i was saying i wouldn't fight.
Can i even move or type ingame anymore?
This is savage ....... Thanks Warlock.

"complaining about lamers or nonsense like jetpacks"

When did i ever do that!?!?!?!!?!?
And IF did complain about a lamer its PROBABLY BECAUSE THERE WAS ONE..


Edited by Klovar
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Ok let's take it down a notch.


If we're not voicing serious concerns about the state of an application or wishing them a regular good luck, the rest can be done in private.


This is turning into one of those unban requests where everyone throws in their two cents and nothing of value is gained. The trial proceeds as usual and the actual trial details are a members-only thing so they won't be mentioned out here anyway.


Complaints about lamers or other troublemakers should be directed to the 'Rule Breaker Reports' section located at The Server - (JAWA) unless you're planning on making it quick on Discord.

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or in the lucky case of an admin being present  /amsay :P but thanks for the clarification Korn :)



nobody wants to be followed by trolls etc. but ya know, they prey on certain people. you might be ticking off a few boxes on their target list one way or another..


but, we'll got your back to a certain degree... anyways.. your trial proceeds as is :)

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