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Unban Request -=Cobraj, LocainePowder and KIMONO

Hiroyuki Sando.

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Friends. You know why I'm doing this. But I will really stop behaving badly (stop bullying) if you follow my request. I will play more modestly or be in the spectator. I can promise that.
We believe that the War clan should continue training. And this applies to new people.
Thank you.

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Hello there, Hiroyuki.  Thank you for your request.


If you're sincere about trying to behave, then maybe we can make some progress here.  The (JAWA) Council will discuss your request and get back to you in a few days.




Edit: if you can, would you please send IronSkull86 or RoseTyler the IP addresses that you want to have unbanned?  That is, your own and those of any of your friends who can't reach the server without using a VPN.  Otherwise, even if we want to unban you, we won't know what to unban.  You should use a private message over the forums, or on Discord.  That way nobody can get your IP addresses from this topic.



Edited by Helena Revan
Specifying where to send IP addresses.
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Sorry, I edited my message above to make this clear, but in case you miss that, I'll say it again here:


Please send IronSkull86 or RoseTyler the IP addresses that you want to have unbanned?  That is, your own and those of any of your friends who can't reach the server without using a VPN.  Otherwise, even if we want to unban you, we won't know what to unban.  You should use a private message over the forums, or on Discord.  That way nobody can get your IP addresses from this topic.





Edited by Helena Revan
Adding Rose.
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As I've already mentioned in a PM, the IP addresses you provided have now all been cleared from the banlist.  I'll have to restart the server to make this effective; you should be able to connect freely using these IP's on Wednesday.



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