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Server Tracker


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This has been happening a lot recently where it seems to retain the old data, so even 1-2 days later it looks like the server is still in the same state (e.g. this morning it looks like I am still online with the same score from yesterday even though the server has changed multiple times since then.


Looking at the GameTracker on it's main page, I found that as of the time of this post the last scan/refresh was 12+ hours ago, so this is a pretty low refresh.


I think either we need to set the refresh rates to something much higher (at least hourly) or make use of a different kind of tracker, either the custom kind used by KR in their website or something closer to the JediTracker and JA+ trackers of the old days such as ParaTracker (ParaTracker 1.5 - The Ultimate Quake III Server Tracker).

Edited by koRn
I asked for a LOWER refresh for some reason, even though this is what I was complaining about to begin with.
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Just going to confirm that the refresh is pretty poor even on the actual website tracker page, so any security issues detected by Zen (marketed as a lightweight browser focusing on security and privacy, meaning it probably has some stricter rules by default) are not the reason for the refresh rate issue, and I do not believe GameTracker is trying to virus anyone at this point, even if it has been abused by adversaries to acquire a list of servers to execute reflected DDoS attacks against in the past, which is more of a server security issue.


Already asked around on KR (Server Trackers? - Knights Reborn) to see if they had any ideas on trackers, but outside of that I think anything with a decent refresh rate would work fine. Asked some other guys I know too but I suspect I will pretty much get the same answers given that there are only so many trackers out there.


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It's very odd because Gametracker was working just fine until about a week ago. I wonder if it's something that has changed on their end that has made the refresh rate so low. Has anyone contacted them with an error report or something?

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Ok, so from what I gather, it seems to be a system-wide issue involving the actual servers that are doing the scanning being down, so if your scan attempt ends up using a busted server, it just won't get a response.


1. Server not scanned for 12 hours :: GameTracker Forum

2. Global server scanning issue - Update 3 :: GameTracker Forum

3. Global server scanning issue :: GameTracker Forum

4. Server Scanning Issues - Restored :: GameTracker Forum

5. GameTracker scanner IP addresses - Updated 31-Jan-2025 :: GameTracker Forum


Those are pretty much the relevant threads, so any important details will be on there.


If you want to do any other bug-reports, do them here (Bug Reports :: GameTracker Forum) though it seems many have been made and they prefer just to give updates on the situation at this point, so a new thread will serve no purpose.



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I promise we are not ignoring this thread xD!!!!!


For now, until we are able to either set up a new server tracker on the forums/wiki or until Gametracker gets fixed, I agree with koRn on using the Paratracker for now. It's what I use all the time when checking the server.


Main server:



Event Server:


Edited by IronSkull86
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UPDATE: Tracker is back to normal and refreshing at a reasonable rate.


Would be nice if you could see server settings through the tracker, but we have more than enough alternatives here for anyone who wants to do that at this point.


If we're sticking with the same tracker for the foreseeable future then I would say case closed.

Edited by koRn
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