Before Jedi Academy
Jedi Academy has been my primary online game, but it was not my first. Before Jedi Academy I played a game entitled Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force. I was in high school at this time. My friend Chris introduced me not only to this game but also the first clan I would ever join in online gaming. The clan was entitled {TDJ} The Dark Jedi (Star Trek game lolz). I went by the name {TDJ}Moose. {TDJ}Chris was Chris's tagged name. I recall {TDJ}Whippingboy as one of the leaders. The game is an FPS with many cool weapons to choose from. We used a Disintegration Mod that limited us to two guns, the Phaser Compression Rifle and the Infinity Modulator (I-Mod). With these two guns only the secondary fire was used. Every shot was a one-hit kill. Times were good, indeed.
First Jedi Academy Clans
I first heard about Jedi Academy from a friend. I got the game on disc back in 2004. I played through Single Player and decided to try MP. My first clan to join in 2004 was {L:S} Lost Souls. {L:S} was a Single Saber Only clan. It was there that I met who would later be my long lasting JA friend, Doc. Doc went by "Blight" in those days. Doc was an {L:S} Councilor, and I became an initiate under him. I also remember another good friend in the clan by the name of Fuqua. It was there that I began to learn the basics of JA clan life. In time the clan would die, and some of its members would form (SL) Shadow Legion. Fuqua and I moved to (SL) together along with others. (SL) was a great clan, but I wanted to explore and do things for myself.
Running My Own Server
I went into explorer mode and ran my own server using my own computer as a host. I called my first server The Prophet's House. It was during this server experiment in late 2004 that I met a blue and green saber wielding player by the name of JediMattster. We formed a fast friendship and continued to meet up on the server on a regular basis. We kept in touch through AOL Instant Messenger. Two things that seemed to stand out to me about Matt more than anything were his loyalty and sincerity.
Clan Leadership
Matt and I formed a new clan called {ECK} Elite Christian Knights. {ECK} was a clan that was based off of the Christian faith that both Matt and I held onto. We did not have ranks as we were more about having fun than anything else. We agreed that I would take the role of Leader. I went by {ECK}MooseKnight, and Matt went by {ECK}SilverShadow. It was there that I explored JA+ and began to understand admin structure / commands and server commands. Before JA+ I tried enabling cheats haha. That was fun. ANYONE could spawn ANYTHING at ANYTIME. During this season I was introduced to a Lando/Chewbacca-skinned, sniping, flipkicking acquaintance of Matt's who is now known as KoffeeKing. Koffee would come onto the server and spawn Rax Joris all over the place. The server oddly started crashing a bit too much xD. Koffee became one of us, bringing many good laughs and an odd sense of charm with him. This was the beginning of something truly amazing.
Prime Time
The first lady to join the clan was a friend of SilverShadow's. She took on the name {ECK}DarkSaber. DS was a saber staff wielding chick with an attitude hardcore enough to crack the planet. In many ways I feel that she was the heart and soul of {ECK}. Some other clan members include JawaPawa, RecNelis, JediJaena, Guenivere, Eli Savanna, EndoDragon, JediNite, Makira, Crusader, and Zaraz. I personally believe that I experienced the best of my teenage years on Jedi Academy while I was in {ECK}. Between the forums and the server, we truly formed a group of friends. The clan would thrive, experience unnecessary drama, and die. Looking back, there were many great times to be cherished and lessons to be learned.
Fresh Start
I joined (NJO) New Jedi Order in 2006 I do believe under the name of (NJO)Nah-tan Mooku. I remember clan members Plo Koon and Padraeic. I was there for a bit. In time I would go to college and drop the game. In September of 2016 I heard about JA being on Steam. I had no clue where my discs were. I bought the game, found (JAWA), and began my journey here.
Pad Power
The 1st October 2016 was an amazing day for me as Nightwing welcomed me into (JAWA) at the rank of Padawan on mp/ffa2 in front of the Ragnos statue. This was refreshing for me after 10 years of JA silence. There was just something special to me about starting at the bottom again fresh into a clan where I knew no one. I had to get involved and earn trust. I remember specifically one day where Bushido, Skarlet, and I were in the main server. The map was mp/ffa1 and we were the only (JAWA) members in the server at the time. All of us were "Padawan" rank at the time. We formed a circle/triangle/whatever and did "/amsurrender". I believe we yelled "Pad Power!" It was the beginning of a new adventure. I was thinking of the importance of knowing how to be a good follower. I truly believe that there is power in knowing how to be a good follower.
Reaching Out
On the 2nd January 2017 I became a Full Member of the (JAWA) Ambassadors Club. I started my growth as an Ambassador under the teaching of Frosty. My first event host was done on the 23rd December 2016. I called it the "Christmas Merc War". So many good memories were made for me that day. I realized how much I enjoyed making fun times happen not only for members of (JAWA) but members of other clans as well. I count it as an honor and privilege to now be able to serve alongside Frosty as co-manager of the (JAWA) Ambassadors.
Joining the Admin Corps
When I was leading {ECK} I learned JA+ admin commands by reflecting off of what I had learned in previous clans, reading readme files, and good ol' experimentation. I got plenty of experience using admin commands as clan leader, but I never got to go through any formal admin training. After I was selected to be put on trial to be a (JAWA) Admin, I attended (JAWA) Admin School under the teaching of Helena Revan, System, and Wolfy. I got to experience a solid refresher course on not only admin commands, but also situational preparation. It was important that I received training from experienced and respected admins.
Council Life
It was a humbling experience on July 23rd, 2017. I was chosen to serve on the (JAWA) Council. I knew what it was like to be in authority of a clan that I started, but it was different moving up in ranks of a clan as old and established as (JAWA). Being a Council member is more than just being able to spawn npcs, merc, and empowering in the server. It's helping the leaders watch out for and protect the clan. It's also taking on responsibilities that I didn't have as a non-Councilor. Now I don't just participate and plan events. I keep an eye on everything that transpires along with my fellow Councilors and the Leaders. The responsibilities have grown in number, but I wouldn't change it for anything. I know for sure that this is where I need to be.
Answering the Call
It is the 19th August 2018. It's time to move forward. (JAWA) has taught me so much. I have learned how to host events, reach out to other clans, be a Server Admin, and serve on the (JAWA) Council. At this point, I feel a strong conviction to start a new clan in the Jedi Academy community and become a leader again. I look forward to many great times ahead with (JAWA) and the other clans in Jedi Academy with this new entity. Thank you members of (JAWA) for being part of my life and making it better. I'll be seeing you around. :)
Quiet Ending
After roughly 4 years of "running" the Revelation clan I decided to shut it down. 4 years was enough time for me to realize that I could not properly lead a clan due to time and effort restraints. Also, activity was basically non-existent at the end. During active times there were good stretches and bad stretches. Many of us were tested. I want to thank all everyone who supported me and Revelation..... whether it was by joining the clan or attending the events that were hosted. Most of Revelation's events had mostly JAWA members attend. Thank you guys for that. Also thank you Paawan for being a good friend and co-leader. We had a few bumps in the road, but the good times far outweighed the bad. I love ya, buddy.
Returning to the Roots
After I shut down Revelation I got reaccepted into JAWA. It was cool being back with my roots again. I was happy to help as an Event Planner, Admin, and Councilor again.
Not long after joining the Council again, my life got very busy. What many know as the "Council Curse" hit me very hard. I got to where I couldn't do my Council seat justice. I decided that I needed to focus on aspects IRL such as my Christian faith, family, and career. I felt that it would be best for me to leave JAWA. I reflect on all the great times I've had with fellow JAWA members. I also reflect on all the things I've learned. Thank you JAWA. I'll be seeing you around.