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Aliases: Piccolo/p1cco/Picco
Joined (JAWA): 5th January 2022
Pathway: Unknown
Forum Profile: P1cco
Skin: Reborn/Acrobat
Lightsaber: Firebrand
Quote: In vino veritas
On the 14th December 2022, at the 2022 JAWA Honours Ceremony, Picco won yet another a promotion lottery!
On October 16th, 2022 Picco won a promotion lottery at JAWA’s 18th birthday celebration
Picco was promoted to Jedi by Helena Revan in a ceremony held on Yavin IV on the 28th March 2022!
On the 5th January 2022, Picco was welcomed into the clan by SephFF.
I believe it was "Padawan connected" for the first time in 2006 in a Romanian JA+ community where I learned the basics of the game. At one point, a friend showed me a fragmovie (Masta's Revelation IV featuring The Jedi Academy Aurochs - link below). Eager in learning to play that way, in 2007 I moved to the base scene by joining The Jedi Academy, with the goal of applying to join the JAA.
The ESL platform was also quite popular back then so I also started playing there to get as much practice as possible and about one year later, I was welcomed into the team where I spent 3 years playing with them in various events. The team got inactive at the end of 2011 so I decided to retire.
The 2020 pandemic lockdown from my country made me install the game again and I was surprised to see some familiar faces from The Jedi Academy, but under a new community called The Valley of the Jedi. Also, cups and tournaments were still being organized via ESL/JKL so I started playing again. I was lucky to find out about this community towards the end of 2021 and decided to apply for JAWA. I got accepted in January 2022 and a new chapter awaits...
- Ordered by date achieved
Participation Award July 2022 For Great Activity, Server admining, and Hosting and Assisting at Knights Practice.