Retired Members

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There are currently 1 clan supporter and 59 retired members of (JAWA).
To view our current active members click here.
Clan Supporter

Clan Supporter is not a ‘Rank’ but a status that a Leader (current or former) can become with the permission of the current leadership. They are retired members with access to areas they had as leader. However, they lack the authority or final say that the active leadership have, but are instead advisors to assist in decision making. Clan Supporters will have the ability to return as temporary leaders should the leadership need assistance. Should they want to return as a leader altogether, the decision will be up to the leadership.

The difference between a Leader and Clan Supporter is that they have all the benefits and restrictions that come with being a retired member but retain everything a Leader would have access to such as:

  • Access to all forums with access to the admincp.
  • Access to all discord channels with discord admin privileges.
  • Access to their WikiJawa account with all permissions still intact.

Clan Supporters

Retired Status

The Retired status is not a 'Rank' as such, it is more an association to the clan. When a member is no longer able to keep up the demands of full membership, or wishes to be associated with the clan, despite not really playing the game a lot anymore, then the member may seek out the Leaders or Council Member and ask to be placed as a Retired Member. The Retired status is not easy to obtain and it requires a few elements to be granted, some of which are listed below:

  • At Least two years minimum as a clan member.
  • You must be in good standing with the clan, whether a current or former member.
  • Your activity on the server will be taken into account. If you are very active, you will be asked to return to full membership.
  • Retired Status will not be granted to everyone, it will depend solely on the above factors and a discussion about your individual case.

So, what is different between regular membership and "retired" membership?

  • Clubs cannot be joined.
  • Admin access isn't possible.
  • No responsibilities e.g. No need to vote on applicant polls, vote in surveys, honours etc.
  • JKA activity is no longer a requirement.
  • Inability to join other clans as you're still part of ours.
  • (JAWA) Central access IS allowed, but will be missing the Applications and Member Polls forums.
  • Retired Status members should put (JAWA)Name as their in-game tag if they do come onto the server at all.

We would prefer you to be a fully active member, but we understand that sometimes you have to take a big step back from gaming and at times you need a long break of a year or more from the game. We strongly urge anyone who enters retired status to come back to full membership if you feel you are ready. Your rank will be restored at what it once was before you became retired. If you rejoined the clan as retired, then a discussion will be held about the rank you will obtain.

Retired Members
Nar Shaddaa 41.jpg
Icon ace.png
Bespin 2.jpg
Icon edo.png

Council Emeritus

This is not a rank, but a special title akin to that of 'Clan Supporter' or 'Retired'. This status was created to honour our friends, who are no longer with us and actively served on the Council before they left us.

To view Andanas' memorial page, click here.
To view Niko's memorial page, click here.

Council Emeritus